Chapter 15 : The "Date"

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Me and Kyle were at the park just chilling. We were eating sandwiches and drank some orange juice on a bench. It's less romantic than it sounds. Really, since this "date" was only to get some information out of both groups.

The coon and friends are gathering information through an ear piece and recorder hidden under Kyle's hat while my group talked to me through another earpiece as well.

Fun fact, Cartman stole Token's other ear piece from playing spy. There were two originally.

Now, where was I...? Oh yeah, the "date"

Kyle's POV

"Beep beep boop beep. Kiteman, you there? I SAHD B E E P B E E P B O O P B E E P. ARE YOU FUCKING THERE, JEW?"

"Shut the fuck up Cartman!" I whispered

"Hmm? What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked as she turned to me

"Nothing--" I replied immediately

"👀 Ok" she monotonely responded as she looked at me


"Cartman's being a dick to Kyle even when he's on his side.... It's not surprising at all." I thought to myself as I  tried to pretend I didn't notice what he was up to. I honestly just wanted to spend time with him and used the date as an excuse.

"So... Why did you ask me out all of a sudden? I've only been here for a few weeks and etc." I asked and all I as responded with was silence

"As expected..." I thought to myself as I glared at him a little bit.

"Psst, y/n don't blow his cover yet! You can beat the fuck out of him later on just get the information!" Token whispered through the ear piece

I just sighed internally and smiled at Kyle "Well, whatever it is it must be too awkward for you to tell me huh? Hehe, don't worry. I'll let it pass." I giggled and I also noticed him sigh in relief

Despite being a blind ass kid, I still notice these reactions.

"Anyway, what's happening with you and the Coon and friends?" I asked curiosly since it would be too weird to suddenly jump up to a random conversation about a random ass cat missing a few days ago

"Well, we got along.... Nicely." Kyle answered unsurely

"Really? With Cartman being the leader of your group and all I find it hard to believe." I laughed

"Yeah, he's an asshole." Kyle laughed as well

"*Mumbled cussing*" coming from Kyle's hat.

"What's that?" I asked even though I already knew what it was.

"I don't know, it's probably the wind!"

Kyle POV

"Y/n's onto me. She's sharper than I thought..." I thought to myself

"Hey y/n are you guys going after a cat too?" I asked

"Kyle dont blow our fucking covah!" Cartman yelled

"She knows that were after the cat too. Just this earlier I saw a missing cat poster in her locker...." I thought to myself

"N-no, I really don't like cats that much!" Y/n responded

"Really? Then what was that missing cat poster in your  locker? Who owned it?"

"I owned the cat..." She replied unsurely

"But you said you didn't like cats." I responded intimidatingly

"Why are you acting like you're interrogating me? Is it because you're after the cat?" She responded angrily

"You fucked up Kahl" Cartman whispered through the earpiece

"Shut up fat boy!" I yelled aloud

Y/n stared and glared at me as I yelled that and grabbed my hat


"I knew it." I murmured

"You were saying on my group and used this date as an excuse to ask me questions!" I yelled out loud

"Well... I didn't really want to take this seriously and yes my group asked me to spy on you too. I just wanted to spend time with you thinking you won't take Cartman's orders seriously."

I exclaimed as I showed him the earpiece from Token

"You're a dick Kyle!" I yelled at him, angry and disappointed

Kyle POV

"Oh shit man you fucked up." Cartman commented

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