Chapter 9 : The list: Part 2

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"Get get get the fuck outta my way!" I chanted as I ran past a bunch of students in an attempt to flee from the boys trying to reach for the folder

"Come on (y/n)! We just want a peek!" Butters exclaimed as I ran towards the girls restroom and locked the door

"A-aw d-d-d-d-dangit...." Jimmy stated as he looked at the door

"Phew..." I sighed in relief as I leaned against the door and slid down to the floor in exhaustion as I saw a girl with a double chin and blonde hair that looks certainly strange as if it were a cheap wig

A/n Oh golly, I wonder who it is?

"Oh my! Are you okay girl I've obviously never met before!" The blonde asked as she helped me up

"Y-yeah, the guys were chasing me like hell.... Anyway, my name's (y/n), what's yours?" I asked

"My name? Why it's Eric---- Ericka! Ericka Fahcka! And What is that folder you have over there?"

"It's the reason why the boys were chasing me, its just a bunch of lists about cute dog breeds, best shoe stores and the cutest boys ranking" I stated

"Would you mind if I were to see it?" 'Ericka' asked me with suspiciously

"Hmmm, alright. But you must promise not to tell any of the boys information about the cutest boy and best store rankings or else the girls will force feed you crap covered in needles and rat poison." I stated

"Woah, that's a bit too extreme--- but I promise!" She exclaimed her voice breaking a bit.

"Alright here you go...." I handed her the file and she immediately snatched it away browsing for something as she grabbed what she was looking for and pushed me out of the way to exit the bathroom

"I GOT IT YOU GUYS!!" 'ericka' exclaimed as she took off her wig revealing herself as Eric Cartman. Why the fuck am I not surprised

"Into the boy's bathroom!" Eric yelled as he ran towards the boys bathroom along with the other boys running after him too and locked the door

"Ah fuck" I mumbled as I banged the door to the boy's bathroom as the girls walked towards me

"They have the lists! I'm so sorry...!" I exclaimed

Bebe put a hand on my shoulder as she tried to comfort me

"It's okay (y/n)! Besides... It's all part of the plan" she stated mumbling the last part making it unclear for me to hear

"All part of the what?" I asked

"A-all part of the rules! To always forgive the members of the girls club if possible! It says so in rule 67. Besides! The boy's could use that list to make themselves look nicer or something '' she replied

''Oh, okay" I said walking a few steps back hearing excited screaming and crying inside

"Clyde's number one?"

"Number 11! Number 11! My parents aren't going to ground me today!''

"How the fuck did Cartman score higher than me?!?"


"Shut the fuck up Cartman!"

"How did Kyle even score last?" I asked

"I dunno" Wendy replied

"But I thought me, Bebe and you both voted for Cartman to be last! Shouldn't HE be last?" I  asked once more

"Yeah, I know I think there's something wrong with the list. (Y/n) we're going to investigate this tomorrow."

A/n I'm fucking done---
Ack I'm sorry of this is too short, Christmas break is almost here anyway!
Cough December 20 cough so. I'll be on another posting spree by then!

I bid thee farewell--- ok bye

Southpark x Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now