Chapter 16 : Lol, you fucked up dude

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(a/n) THE LOST CHAPTER AUGHH ROAAGGHHHAAGGH and it only took me 4 years to write (break included) also because of how I posted the chapters


(Y/n) pov

I was quietly walking on the sidewalks and towards the bus stop to ride the bus to school. As expected, Kyle, Cartman, Stan and Kenny were there. They were all talking about something until I came.


Tense silence filled the air

Thankfully, at the corner of my eye I saw Heidi, Wendy, and been on the other side of the bus from where Cartman and the others were, I sighed in relied as I walked up to the group.

"So. Uh. Yesterday was rough huh?" Heidi spoke

"Yeah we've heard too-" Bebe said, looking over to Kyle then back at me

"I don't wanna talk about it...." I grumbled out tiredly as I sat next to Bebe. The three looked at me in worry

"This stupid game is splitting everyone apart! Why did you even join them anyway? Now you got caught up in this mess too," Wendy said, glaring at the boys

"Honestly, I don't know. It sounded fun at the time even though I was sure they were just after my nerf guns. It felt nice to be wanted like that even if it was for some shallow purpose. I should get rid of the fucking things already but they're too expensive" I let out a weary sigh

There was a brief silence between us girls until Wendy spoke up once more "Are you going to talk to him?"

"Maybe. Maybe I won't. I just need time to myself to understand things. I think he does too. I want to talk to him but not yet. Maybe next week?" I explained my thoughts and feelings to Wendy and Bebe. But in a way I feel like I was explaining it to myself also

"Alright whatever you're most comfortable with, (y/n) you can always hang out with us!" Bebe smiled, she placed a hand on my shoulder while I smiled back at her.

"Thanks you guys... You know what? Let's have a sleep over at my place! I haven't invited you guys over before!" I beamed, eve though I was tired, there was an infectious excitement and happiness in my voice.

"Oh my gosh, yes (Y_n)! Who are you gonna invite?"

"Well first off, I want to..."


Kyle's POV

"Woah dude she's super pissed at you, look at how quick she moved on! They're talking about hosting a party after she dumped you" Cartman blabbered, laughing at my dejected expression.

I shot him a glare and scowled "This wouldn't have had happened in the first place if it weren't for you, fatass!"

"Yeah well I'm not the one suffering the consequences of my actions, so it was definitely your fault. Besides, all you had to do was not fuck up the mission." Cartman yawned, stuffing his face full with potato chips, its wrapper crinkled noisily through the tense atmosphere around their side of the bus.

"Mmhrmph hmm phm hm"
(It's not just you who fucked up man, we all did. We wanted those nerf guns so bad we put you two through some uncomfortable shit)

"I still agreed to it! For some shitass reason. Even when I know I shouldn't ever listen to Cartman I still did, and look were it got us." I buried my face in my hands and hanged my head down low in frustration, I could hear Stan speak above me, but I don't move from my place at all to look at him,

"I'm sure you guys can talk again once things have cooled down. I kind of overheard the girls talking about that before the sleepover shit."

"You're getting way too hung up on a girl you've only known for a couple of months, lover boy. Hehahehe" Cartman snickers, leaving crumbs of potato chips and salt everywhere on the bus seat. I raised my head up in frustration and yell at him, "Why are you even here? And at the very least can you please shut up?"

"Well SOOORRrY Kyle for not sucking your dick right after your girlfriend dumped you! God damn, You're such a fucking asshole! I tried making everyone happy by getting us those nerd guns but noo I'm the bad guy for trying to find a way!"

The bus came to a halt and the bus lady screeched at us, to get off of the bus.

Cartman's yelping slowly got muffled out of my ears as I watched (y/n) laugh and walk off with Wendy and Bebe.

All I need is to give her some space, and maybe if I'm lucky, we could atleast be friends again. Right?

I look to the others except Eric and ask, "Hey, Do you guys wanna have a sleepover too?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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