Chapter 11: the list part 4

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Noone's POV

"T-they think it's so fun to make fun of someone who's ugly... I'll show them whats funny...." Edgy Kyle mumbled as he bought a cart full of oil and lighters, he also bought a pack of gum to not look too suspicious

"That all kiddo?" The cashier asked

"Y-yes" Kyle replied

"Why do you need all this oil---"the cashier asked again

"I'm going to prove a point." Kyle replied and walked out with his groceries, and by walked out I mean he walked slowly since he was dragging his groceries out of the door due to the heavy weight of oil

Later at school on the last period

"Did you guys hear? y/n is a big fat liar."

Rumours spread out school isolating you and Wendy

"Well this situation's pretty gay" I commented

"... Yep" Wendy replied

"After this chapter I'm going to beat the shit out of those two girls"

I mumbled as I put my things in the locker and looked at Wendy

"Well, I wonder What else can we do--"

I got cut off by Stan yelling for his life and ran towards us

"Y/n! Wendy!"

"What? Whats wrong?" Wendy asked in a panic due to seeing her boyfriend like this

"H-here! Take this, show it to Kyle!'' Stan exclaimed as he gave me an envelope. Labeled.... Holy shit it's the missing file

"There he is!" A girl's voice shouted

"I gotta go!" Stan exclaimed as he dashed of the hallway followed by two girls and as soon as I saw him I hid the envelope behind my back

"Where's Stan?!" One of them yelled

"I think he went that way." I replied pointing at the wrong direction

"Don't think we're stupid enough to believe your lies! You liar!"

"Then i think he went that way. I replied pointing at the right direction"

"Damn it! This stupid liars aren't helping at all! Let's go to the playground, I bet that asshat is hiding in the jungle gym"

"Well that sure was dandy" I commented as I watched them go the wrong direction

"Yeah, reverse psychology is pretty cool" Wendy replied

"Anyway-- let's go to Kyle! I'm sure he wants to see this!" I exclaimed as I tagged Wendy along with me to Kyle's house

Time skip brought you by my laziness

I banged on the door loudly and saw Kyle's mom open the door

"Why y/n! Wendy! What brings you here?"

Southpark x Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now