Chapter 5 : Captured?

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(Y/n) POV

"C-c-can I have a suggestion? K-kupa k-keep has a princess, maybe we should make (y/n) a princess too, besides. She's the main character in the s-s-story" a boy with brown hair and crutches suggested stutterishly

"Wait, does that mean Kyle is basically my dad---"

"I guess we can, besides. Seeing Kenny as a princess makes me feel..... Scared maybe adding (y/n) as a princess could be a benefit for the kingdom and at least work as eye bleach for anyone who has seen Kenny's nipples" Kyle replied

"Anyway, So you're saying that (y/n) got banished from time and space because she went to a party?" Kyle asked Stan as he looked at him and me

"Yeah, apparently it was some girls dress up party and they kicked her out for some reason." Stan explained

"Well, why did they kick you out (y/n)?" He asked me as he turned to me with a curious face

"I don't know, I saw some books laying outside of the house saying that it was for me so I took it home and when I was going back to the party I bought some dresses with me to to share! But when I arrived they were all mad at me for some reason, I think they said it's because I called them "ugly"."

"Well, that sounds pretty fishy, what do you think Kyle?" Stan asked him

"Well, can I ask you another question?" Kyle asked me again

"Sure, what is it?" I replied

"Why did Cartman let you in his group? I mean you're a girl. He doesn't like playing with girls so I figured that you have something that other girls don't. so... What is it?"

"I don't know.... Well, I have a pet rabbit named Satan."

"Okay, I'm not going to question that. What else?" Kyle asked again

"I have a Nerf gun collection! About thirty guns in total." I replied and bragged a little bit

"Woah" everyone gasped in amazement.

"Okay, did you see anyone specifically when you left the place?"

"Well, I did see cartman, a girl in a dress and her face covered up by an orange hoodie thing and a black haired girl who had a really similar turtleneck to mine"

"I think I know what's going on." Kyle stated

"What is it?" I asked

"I think Cartman is trying to sabotage your reputation with the girls, I don't know why but I just know it!'' Kyle exclaimed as he called in fist in anger recalling all the times Cartman has ruined his reputation

"Just stay with our group
(y/n), I'm not going to let anyone be another victim of that fatass."

I blushed a little bit because noone stood up for me like that before and I really like it when I have friends like him nearby

Ouch, did I just friendzone myself?

"Thank you Kyle! And as a sign of gratitude, I will let you all use my Nerf guns for the war." I beamed in happiness

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