Chapter 10: Feelings

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Y/N's P.O.V.

    I woke up to noises being made in the kitchen. It was probably my mom getting ready to go to work. I walked downstairs and found out that I was right. She was making scrambled eggs, and they smelled very good.

I sat down at the table, making no noise and she didn't know I was there. She finished the eggs and turned around to set them on the table and then saw me. She yelped, not expecting me to already be sitting there.

"Y/N,". She said, with a relieved smile on her face. "Seriously? It's not Halloween yet. Are people entitled to good scares today?" She set one of the plates with eggs down in front of me. She sat down at the other side of the table.

"Every day people should be entitled to good scares,". I said, taking a bite of the delicious eggs my mom made. "It's part of life, fear..." I took another bite. My mom laughed and gently shook her head.

"Oh, Y/N,". She said smiling. "You've always been so specific..." It's true, though. I've always been the type of person to talk ore formal than any other people my age. I never used OMG or LOL or anything like that. Even when I'm texting I still don't use those slang words.  I just, didn't like them, I guess...

    About ten minutes later, my mom left and I was home alone once more.  But for the first time, I wasn't sure if I wanted to be.  I wanted to see Michael again.  I wanted to see that handsome face with those dark eyes.  I wanted to kiss him again, to feel that sensation of love that I'd never felt before.  Just one question was left unanswered to me:  Do I love Michael?

    I thought about him, the conversation we sort of had, and the kiss we shared.  I became more sure I did love him, even in this short period of time in which I've known him.  It's not that 'love at first sight' type of crap, but I was pretty sure that I loved him. 

    It was almost Halloween, for it was the 25th of October.  Only six more days... I thought to myself as I walked up the stairs and strode into my room.  I instantly went to the window to see if Michael was there, but he wasn't.  Where is he?  I thought, cracking the window to get some fresh October air. 

    I giggled when I thought about what to do next.  To be funny, I opened the window some more and propped myself up on my elbows.  I cleared my throat and called quietly. 

    "Michael," I said quietly, yet audibly. "Where are you, Michael?"  For the longest time there was silence and no movement.  Just then, inside of his house, I heard a noise.  It almost sounded that of a chair launching forward as a person carelessly reclined it. 

    I didn't hear anything.  I closed my eyes for a short second and I rubbed at my temples.  When I opened my eyes, he was really standing there, head tilted, staring back at me.  He had his mask on, making him look angry. 

    "Silly,".  I said in a flirtatious manner.  "You're so silly..."  He tilted his head the other way, confused and surprised at what I had said.  I laughed and continued to look at him.  He turned around and walked deeper into the house, and I faked a pouty face. 

    "Awww..."  I said so he could hear.  Right before he disappeared, I saw him stop.  He turned around and came back to the window.  "Yay!"  I said quietly.  He shook his head in that funny way again, and I laughed.  I decided to be even more weird.  I blew a kiss to him, and he blinked slowly. 

    Then, he turned and walked deeper to the house and disappeared.  I sat there for a minute and laughed at myself and what I'd done.  I backed away from the window and closed it.  I walked downstairs, and couldn't believe what I saw.

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