Chapter 2: This is Where it Begins...

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Y/N's P.O.V.

    For two hours I listened to my favorite song over and over again.  The name do it was 'Convoy' by C.W. McCall.  It was a good song, and it was sort of funny.  Except for the part where I'm pretty sure hints to a man sacrificing his life, and his truck explodes...

    The other hour, my mom and I argued.  The entire time.  When we finally arrived, there was an old man that walked up to the U-Haul and motioned for us to stop.  My mom rolled the window down so he could speak to us.

    "Be careful!"  The man said rather loudly.  "Be careful, for he's out there, and he's waiting!"

    "Waiting for... what?"  My mom asked the man cautiously.  "What's who waiting for?"

    "Victims!"  The old man practically screamed into the truck.  "He's waiting for his next victim!  Leave, before it's too late!"

    "Nope!"  My mom said, speeding off, leaving the old man in the dust. 

    We drove in awkward silence for about 1 minute.  Then, we burst out laughing.  It felt good, for this was the first time in a long time that we were both laughing.

   "That old codger thinks he can stop us from moving here, already?"  I spoke, still laughing.  "This is going to be fun...

*Time Skip*

    A short time later, we finally arrived at our new house.  It was big, and next to it was an old house that was boarded up.  The house that we were moving into was very spacious, and I got to choose my very own room.  My room had two windows: one facing the large backyard, and the other facing the creepy old house next door.  I wonder what the history on that house is, I wondered to myself as I strode down the stairs to help my mom take the remainder off the things out of the U-Haul.

    "Thanks, Y/N,"  my mom said as I started to take boxes out of the truck.  "It's nice to see you getting involved."  I looked at her and forced a smile, "You're welcome."


    Finally, after all of the boxes were out of the U-Haul, my mom thanked me for helping out.  She said that she was returning the moving truck first thing in the morning, and that she'd be gone before I awoke.

    I walked up to my room, deciding to spend some time either reading or drawing.  I looked through my box of books for a particular one.  When I found it, I pulled it out and read the cover.  It read The Messenger: by Mayra Montero.  So far, it was a very good book.  I was currently at the part where Caruso was walking into the water.  I flipped open to my current reading page and began to read, but not 20 seconds later I heard a door close next door.  That's odd, I thought.  How can a the door on that house close when it was boarded shut?  I got up and walked to the window.

   I opened the window, only to see that one of the windows in the old house next door was not boarded shut.  And there was a man.  My heart skipped a beat.  He just stood there, and he was wearing some sort of mask.  I just stood there, watching him watching me.  The houses were very close together, so I got a good look at him.  For about 5 minutes, we stood in complete silence, watching each other.  When my bedroom door opened, I jumped and blinked.  Then, he was gone

    "Y/N,"  my mom said as she came into the room to look out of the other window, "I want to thank you for the help unloading today.  That was very nice of you."  I looked away from the window to face her.  "You're welcome."  I said in a quiet tone.

    There was a long pause, then my mom gave me a hug and told me that she was going to bed, for she needed to get up early so that she could return the U-Haul and get her Ford Flex from the apartment building's parking lot.  "Goodnight!"  I said before she walked out the door.  She looked back at me and smiled.  "Goodnight, Y/N."  She closed the door, and I listened to her footsteps until I could hear them no more.

    Now, I get to work, I mentally told myself.  I dug through my boxes, finally finding my Nextbook laptop.  I got on Google and searched Man in White Mask.  Instantly, it came up with the results I didn't want to see.  I then added Haddonfield, Illinois to the search just for the heck of it. 

    That's when I found a picture of the man I'd seen.  I clicked on many pictures of him, and, assuming that this man's name was Michael Myers, began to search his history.  I kept getting information that brought up how he killed his sister, Judith Myers when he was 6 years old.  It also mentioned that he's never seen except for on Halloween, in which he comes out of hiding to kill people.

    After believing that it's all a hoax, I closed my laptop, and took out my sketchbook.  I began to draw this man holding a large butcher's knife, and he was in a mechanics' jumpsuit.  After over an hour, he was perfectly shaded, and the piece of art looked absolutely perfect.

    When I finished, I hung the picture up on the empty wall and admired my work.  With the mask on, he looked... good.  I drew him very muscular, knife in hand, with his head ever-so-slightly tilted to one side.  After looking the picture over, I turned off the light and lay down.  After about 5 minutes, I finally found sleep.


Told you that the chapters would get longer.  Thank you for giving me a chance and for reading my story the picture below is not my own, but I feel like you guys should see it, because it's cute.  Thank You!

  Thank You!

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