Chapter 18

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Kits point of view

I woke up feeling better then ever before, I look  around at my surroundings and see I'm in Nicks and I room and flashes of last night come to memory and I feel my cheeks warm up at the thought. "Morning sleeping beauty!" A soft voice breaks the silence and i look up to see Nick holding a silver tray of foods and my eyes zone in on the stack of pancakes with dollops of cream and blueberry. He sets the tray on the bed and puts me securely on his lap as I eat tenderly, I moan as the pancakes practically melt in my mouth "don't make me jealous of food" Nicks gruff voice sounded already jealous as I continued to devour every last bite of the pancakes before sipping on the juice which was also supplied. I take in the room for the first time and notice a door I've never noticed and now I was intrigued "Nick?" I put my best puppy face on and look up into his ocean blue eyes feeling captivated as he looked down at me putting his book down "what's in that door?" I point at the door and he follows my finger before chuckling "walk in closet" and he continues to read "WE HAVE A WALK IN CLOSET" I scream as he jumps a little
"I didn't think it was that important" he shrugs looking amused at my face as I gasp, and jump up racing to the door before taking the brass handle and pushing the door open before entering.

I flick the light on and gasp as the space surrounding me is gorgeous, it is feminine with masculine touches with an ottoman sat in the middle, the lights gave the room a brighness that made the room dark but still easily able to see. "most of this are my clothes but we can go shopping  today for you" I jump as Nick is leaning against the door arms crossed. I smiled and make a weird happy noise. What I am flamboyant gay, I been shopping once and I loved it.

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