Chapter 10

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Kit's pov

I have been here for three days and I am getting bored out of my mind. After our questions for each other Nicolas went to his office and warriors training hours, I haven't spoke to him... I pass out before he comes into the bedroom late at night... I am lonely and feel my wolf howl for the contact that it deserves. 

I walk down a flight of stair and smiling uncomfortably at the staff and pack members. I see myself lost quickly "excuse me. wheres the alphas office?" I ask a little old lady with a grey bun tied very tight, "he is busy with his mate, you dumb omega" she snaps harshly... Wait what.

I run and find the door already in tears brimming in my eyes "please let this be a lie" I whisper and push the door wide open walking in. I gasp seeing the only person I thought I could trust, the person that I love clinging to a blonde girl with sticky makeup and short, clingy clothes. "FUCK YOU" I yell in tears as Nicolas pushes the girl away with mouth agape "It is not what it looks like" he pushes out of his mouth. SERIOUSLY. "What is it then, please entertain me" I place my hand on my hip. "My mate and I was busy so please go clean the shitters omega" I look at her in shock and then up at Nicolas who has the most guilty face in history, "well I am sorry Luna, please forgive me" she nods her head in authority "What did you want anyway?" she checks me up and down "I just wanted to warn the Alpha that I reject my mate" I feel my wolf scream as the bond snaps, Nicolas looks in pain and weirdly about to cry. 

I run out and take the stairs running to the Alphas quarters, tears stream down my eyes. I was so stupid to trust someone after all this time of abuse. 

The door swings open and slams "Kit I'm so sorry for him" Nicolas's wolf strides to me "I was screaming at him to stop, just please don't reject me" he searches my face "no, you made your bed lie in it" I move around the room "why, I deserve that?" I rub my eyes from the tears "Nicolas isn't used to this gay stuff, I please you're going to kill me please" I walk over and hug him making his arms automatically go around my waist nuzzling into my neck "give me sometime, time because you really hurt me" he nods "I promise that I will make you love me even if it kills me" he kisses my cheek lovingly.

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