Chapter 27

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✖️not edited✖️

"I can't believe you," Abbigail mumbles, her voice laced in hurt.

"I know, I'm sorry." The male voice from the other end of the phone sighs.

"No, no you're not. How could you do this?" Abbigail cries.

"It's not my fault!" the other voice snaps.

"You got me pregnant!" Abbigail retorts.


"That's my problem how?!"

"You're the father!" Abbigail clips.

Oh my God, she's pregnant.

"Doesn't mean I have to support you," the other person mutters.

"Yes it does, Damon!" Abbigail sobs.


Who the fuck is Damon - oh, wait. Never mind.

"It's my choice, Abby. And, personally, I don't care what you do with the thing. Abort it, keep it - not my problem." Damon hisses.

"How could you say that?" Abbigail whispers. "It's a child."

"Well, it's your child. So figure it out." Damon growls before I hear the telltale click of the line going dead.

Just walk away Hadley, just walk away.

Or you know, I could do what the irrational thing to do is.

*ponders for the longest time possible*


"Abbigail?" I knock softly on the door.

The only response are sniffles and cut-off sobs.

"Abbigail, can I come in?"

"Who is it?" she asks warily. I can picture her balled up on the bed, her knees pressed tightly to her chest as tears stream down her mascara-ridden cheeks.

"It's Hadley."

Some shuffling sounds from the room before the door opens. Abbigail stares at me, her eyes swollen and puffy and a trash can sitting beside her bed.

"What do you want," she mutters, subtly stepping in front of me, blocking my view.

"I...I heard your conversation," I admit.

She nods solemnly, as if it were expected.

"Don't tell anybody," she pleads, her voice a low whisper and her eyes welling with tears once more as she downcasts them to the ground. 

I rest a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"I won't." I assure her.

She nods softly before swiping furiously at the tears that have escaped. She looks into my eyes, and for once, I feel remorse for her. But that quickly fades away when she slams the door shut without so much as a thank you.

"That went well." I mutter to myself before continuing my search for the god-forsaken Christmas music. I arrive at Archer's door, where the bells on the bob-tail ring.

"Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!" Archer belts. "Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!"

I stifle a laugh before opening the door roughly, exposing Archer and his singing. Archer releases an unnatural, girly scream before hitting the off button on the music.

"Archer singing Christmas carols?" I ponder, tapping my chin. "Didn't see that coming."

Archer scowls and flops onto his bed, defeated.

"I'm a little hurt you didn't share this hobby of yours with me." I sing, skipping over to him in a weirdly happy manner. I feel like I've just unearthed the greatest secret to ever be created.

"It's not a hobby," he grumbles.

"Oh, but what if it is?" I reply smugly. "Sounds like you do this more often than not."

"Nope. It's a one-time thing," Archer lies.

"Shut your mouth and stop lying to me, you Christmas caroler." I clip.

"Don't call me that." Archer huffs.

"I'll call you SFC instead," I compromise.

"SFC?" Archer quirks a brow.

"Shit Face Caroler." I smile innocently.

Archer leans against the wall, his arms folded over his chest and his eyebrow raised accusingly.

"Why don't you take a crack at caroling and let's see how you do," Archer offers.

"I'd rather not." I shrug.

"Precisely. Now, shoo. The exterminator just sprayed my room of any pests." Archer replies smugly.

I grumble and sulk out of his room, nearly offended. But you can't be offended if you don't have a heart.

I stomp right into the living room, the TV on and blaring a real good episode of Criminal Minds. I sprint to the leather couch and throw myself over it, landing on the fluffy cushions...and Haiden.

"Goddamnit," he groans irritably. I jump back off his stomach and allow him to regain his breath.

"What the fuck, Hadley?" Haiden writhes in pain, holding his stomach. "I don't know how period cramps are like, but I can guess that this is worse."

I glare at him.

"No uterus, no opinion." I flick his forehead and sit back on the couch, not caring whether he's in pain or not.

"Ah, the lovely relationship between brother and sister. So pure, so wonderful, so unpredictable." Parker gushes from behind.

"Shut up, sister stealer." Haiden grumbles in annoyance.

"I'd rather not, future brother-in-law." Parker retorts, sitting beside me and draping an arm over my shoulder.

"Don't call me that," Haiden cautions him.

"Why not?" Parker asks innocently.

"Because I don't like you." Haiden replies bluntly.

"Well, I guess that's okay." Parker's lips purse together.

Haiden snorts in return and turns the volume on the TV up.

"Haiden, don't be a dick. You're going to have to get over this sometime." I roll my eyes. "Whether you like it or not, we're getting married."

"You haven't been even thought this through," Haiden argues. "You're eighteen, just finished high school, and you've know the guy for about two months. There's got to be a fucked-up story behind this relationship."

I stare blankly at him. I think about how he would react if he found out how we actually met. I turn my head to Parker to find the same reaction as mine.

"Well? Is there?" Haiden pushes.

"Eat shit." Is all I grumble before sinking into the leather couch and watching as Hotch and Reid enter the hospital. Haiden quietly chuckles and watches the show, his eyes moving along with the screen instead of at me.


That was a crappy ass chapter. Sorry. But 33K views?! THATS NOT LIKE A CRAPPY ASS CHAPTER! And apologies for not updating quickly. I've been a bipolar, angry mess this week. Add lazy into that description too.

Kidnapped By The Prince ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon