Chapter 10

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EDITED. 7/1/19.

I sigh loudly, twirling another spaghetti noodle on my fork.

Parker looks at me worriedly. "I really am sorry, Hadley," he murmurs.

I nod, feeling a bit sick to my stomach.

Suddenly, Parker leans across the table, grabbing onto my hands softly.

I look at him with wide eyes.

"What can I do to make you forgive me?" he asks quietly, pleading to me with his eyes.

I suck in a breath.


I knock on the door softly, hesitantly almost.

"Coming," Haiden mumbles from behind the door. The door opens slowly. Inside, a disheveled Haiden gapes at me. His eyes are surrounded by dark circles, his hair is falling over his face, clearly lump due to the lack of showering.

My big brother looks more like a big pile of shit.

"Hadley?" Haiden whispers in disbelief. He rubs his eyes. "Are you...are you real?"

I nod, my eyes watering.

It takes less than a second before I'm wrapped up in Haiden's arms, being crushed into his chest.

"Hadley, oh my God," Haiden sobs into my hair.

I wrap my arms around his neck and stroke his hair. "I'm so sorry," I mutter, running my hands through his hair.

His tears fall onto my head.

Parker shuffles uncomfortably behind us, making Haiden rigid in my arms. He pulls away slowly, his eyes never leaving Parker's.

"Did you take her?" he growls lowly, slowly pushing me behind him. Haiden is only content when I'm peering over his shoulder, out of sight from Parker.

Parker stiffens, furrowing his brow in hesitation.

I rest a reassuring hand on Haiden's shoulder. "Haiden, this is Parker, my...boyfriend," I say, feigning confidence.

Parker's eyes light up.

Haiden turns to me, resting a hand on my cheek. "Are you sure? He didn't brainwash you, did he?"

I smack Haiden's chest playfully. "No, dumbass," I chuckle.

Haiden quirks a brow at me, then at Parker.
"Come on in," Haiden forces a smile and steps aside, allowing both Parker and I inside. He's only plastering in this fake smile for Parker because he's worried that I'll run off again—even though I never did to begin with.

I take in the sweet smell of my home. Kayla and Luna are asleep on the couch, their hair disheveled and their makeup smeared. I walk over gently and tap each of their shoulders.

Kayla opens an eye. She scans my face in disbelief.

"Hi," I whisper, grinning through tears.

Kidnapped By The Prince ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon