Chapter 25

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✖️not edited✖️

You know that feeling when the whole world seems to stop? Or when your heart is beating so fast that the world seems to be spinning too fast? Well I'm feeling both of them. Right now.

"Parker," I whisper, my eyes filling with tears of joy. "I'm only eighteen."

"I couldn't give two shits, Hadley. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side, ruling this place with me." Parker gushes. My hands cover my mouth to choke out a sob.

"SAY YES!" somebody yells from the crowd. Bellows of agreement sound from around us. Parker looks up at me pleadingly, his eyes tearing up as well.

"Yes," I whisper.

"What?" Parker whispers back.

I nod my head quickly.

"Yes." I repeat.

Parker's face lights up immediately as he shakily places the ring on my finger. The crowd roars in approval.

"GET IT, PARKER!" Archer hollers from the audience.

"OhmyGod, ohmyGod, ohmyGod." Parker breathes out. I begin to laugh loudly, tears streaming down my face. Parker wraps me in a hug, lifting my feet off the ground. He kisses my face everywhere, smiling wildly. Parker reluctantly placed me on the ground again, his hands pressed firmly against my waist. He gives me one last kiss on the lips before releasing me entirely.

"She said yes!" Parker screams triumphantly, causing yet another uproar from the crowd. Parker's parents, Archer, and Sadie all rush up the stage to encase us in a celebratory bear hug.

"HADLEY!" Sadie cries, leaping into me. She wraps me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hngh...Sadie...can't...breathe..." I heave, my arms stiff at my sides as she squeezes my ribs tightly.

"I don't even care! Shut up and let me love you!" Sadie squeals. I attempt to laugh, but end up nearly dying instead.

"Move! My turn!" Archer hollers. He pushes Sadie away - much to my relief - causing a string of curse words to arise from her. Archer wraps me up tightly in yet another hug. This goes on with different people throughout the rest of the entire night, even from the guests who only the royal family knows.

When the party is over, I drag myself into my official room, rather than the one Parker tossed me into when we first met. I dig through the closet and find a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I escape from the dress Sadie put me in earlier and tug on the pants.

"Hadley?" Parker's voice questions from outside the door before opening it suddenly.

"What the hell, Parker?!" I screech, throwing a shoe at his head. He ducks it quickly.

"What? What's happening?" Parker asks worriedly.

"I'm nearly naked!" I shriek.

Parker pauses.

"And this is a problem why...?" Parker asks stupidly, entering the room entirely.

I hurriedly pull over the sweatshirt before whipping the other shoe at him, which he dodges easily.

"Come on, Hadley. We're engaged now! We could do whatever we want - !"

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