Chapter 9

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EDITED. 7/1/19.

It's been hours since I've been out of this room. Personally, I don't think that I should be as shocked as I actually am. I mean, he did kidnap me. He did lock me in an insanely large palace. He's completely psychotic...


Anyways, I locked myself in here and Parker out there. Pretty simple...until he threatened to break down the door again.

"Hadley?" Parker knocks quietly, pulling me from my thoughts.

I sniff. "Go away."

Parker sighs on the other side. "The doctor said you needed a stress-free environment, and I highly doubt this is stress-free," Parker explains.

I lean my head against the door, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. I'm so conflicted that it seems as if though I care for him.

Don't worry, I don't. 

"I don't care. Go away," I choke.

Parker sighs again. "Please. Just let me in," he begs from behind the wood.

I shake my head and wipe a dried tear from my cheek. "Go away," I repeat.

"No, Hadley. I'm staying right here until you open this door," Parker replies. I can feel him press his weight on the door, getting comfortable for a long time. "I have nothing to attend to today, you know. I can be here all night and partially tomorrow." He sighs aimlessly.

I roll my eyes. "I wanna go home." My voice breaks at 'home'.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Parker growls. "This is your home now." His voice rises.

I unintentionally shrink into myself. "No, it's not." I squeak. Me and my big fat mouth. I've never learned when I should shut it.

"Open this door right now, or I will break it down." Parker's breathing is labored, like the frustration is too much to hold in. When I don't say anything, his fist slams on the wood.

"Open the door!" he roars.

Oh, for shit's sakes. Dramatic much?

I shake my head frantically, my breathing caught in my throat. The door cracks behind me, splinters of wood digging into my back. I cry out in pain and push away from the wood. The door swings open on its hinges, only to reveal a fuming Parker.

"I'm done being patient," he snarls, stomping over to me.

I back away until my back is pressed against a wall.

Parker towers over me with fire in his eyes. He grabs ahold of the bottom of my chin, forcing me to look at him. "You will do everything I tell you to. You will stop whining. And you will come to realize that this is your home, despite what you think. Clear?"

I nod, averting my eyes from him. Parker crashes his lips onto mine forcefully, angrily. I resist and try to pull away, but he grabs my hips and pulls my body into his. He pulls away, a smirk replacing the scowl.

"You will kiss me back," he demands. "What will you do?"

I breathe in shakily. "Kiss you back," I repeat quietly.

He nods in confirmation and slams his lips back to mine. My mouth begins to move in sync with his unwillingly. Parker pulls away, a smile glued to his face.

"Better," he notes.

I nod and turn my head to the side, my breathing coming in small gasps.

Parker holds my wrist and waltzes to the bed. I follow him hesitantly. When he reaches the bed, he turns around and pushes me onto it. I fall back onto the comforters with a muffled thud.

"Parker, what are you—"

Parker places both hands on either side of me, trapping me inside of his cage. His eyes are playful and filled with lust at the same time as I'm his prey. He kisses my neck softly, trailing kisses along my collarbone. I place my hands on his heaving chest and push to no avail.

"Parker," I say firmly, continuing to push.

Parker takes one of his hands and grabs ahold of both of my wrists, reaching them over my head.

"Parker, stop."

Parker doesn't stop.

"Hadley," he groans softly, nuzzling his face into my neck. Tears stream down my face. "Hadley," he murmurs again, I pull away from him. He lifts his head up to look me in the eyes.

"Hadley, wake up."


And I do. Light fills my eyes, causing me to shrink away from the bright chandelier. I'm laying on the bed Parker—or, I suppose Dream Parker—tried to coerce me into doing the deed.

How grody.

"Please, not again," Parker cries.

I pull myself from the darkness of my thoughts and push myself out of Parker's arms, feeling disgusted at the way his hands feel on my

"Get away from me!" I squeal, tears falling frantically from my face.

Parker stares at me in shock. "Hadley," he whispers cautiously, his voice concerned.

I shake my head as the lump in my throat continues to grow. "You touched me," I whisper accusingly.

Parker furrows his brow in confusion. "No, I didn't, Hadley." He scoots over to me. "I would never do that to you," he murmurs.

" was all a dream?" I ask hopefully.

Parker's brow furrows deeper. "That depends."

My face falls.

Well, gee. If you tried to molest me, just fuckin' say it.

"I'm so sorry, Hadley. I only did it to get to know you so that you wouldn't feel neglected when you arrived here," Parker explains softly.



Oh, wait. He means my clothes, doesn't he?

I look away, my face heated at our proximity and my thoughts. "Normality is not in your vocabulary," I mumble sarcastically.

Parker sighs. "No. Not really," he agrees.

Kidnapped By The Prince ✔️ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin