Chapter 18

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"Date?" I splutter, staring at Parker in shock.

His brows raise and he nods slowly, trying to comprehend my surprise.

"Like, an actual date." I confirm, waving my hands around frantically.

"Yes, exactly like an actual date." Parker replies sarcastically.

"We haven't even discussed what we are." I wave in between us. Parker sighs exasperatedly.

"That's why we're going on the date, genius." Parker throws his hands on his hips sassily, making it very hard to contain any laughter.

"But...what about Haiden?" I ask.

"What about him?" Parker challenges.

"I just got back here." I reply dumbly.


"Sooooo, I don't know if he'd want me to spend the night out with you when I could be spending whatever time I have left with him before we leave." I explain.

"You're too difficult, princess." Parker chuckles.

I pout childishly.

"Are you sure he can't go one night without you being here?" Parker asks, poking my cheekbone.

"I dunno. Go ask him." I shrug.

My phone pings.

Haiden, 8:37 A.M. - Go on the fucking date dipshit. But if you're gonna get loud you'd better stay at a hotel.

"Haiden!" I roar.

You can hear Haiden's laughter from down the hallway.

Haiden, 8:38 A.M. - yes oh dear jackass?

"I'm killing him." I mutter under my breath.

"Who?" Parker asks worriedly.

"Not you, tard." I roll my eyes.

"Wow, somebody's violent today," Haiden grumbles from the doorway.

"You disgusting perv." I hiss.

"I rest my case." He throws his hands in the air defensively, walking out of the room. I rip off my shoe and throw it harshly at his retreating back.

"Ow!" Haiden squeals.

Parker snorts loudly. Haiden shoots a fiery glare his way before stomping back to his room quickly.

"So?" Parker asks me expectantly.

"Y - "

I'm interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I run my hand through my hair sheepishly and laugh awkwardly.

"Hello?" I answer, nibbling nervously on the bottom of my lip under Parker's gaze.

"Hadley." Devin croaks.

"Did you...did you just wake up?" I ask, chuckling softly.

"Maybe," he replies groggily. I can picture him smiling.

"Hey, this really isn't the best time right now -"

"Sorry, but I just had a thought."

"You mean a dream." I point out.

"Same difference. Anyways, I'm having a family reunion later tonight, and I was wondering if you were free. So, are you free?" Devin blurts. I look over to Parker's expectant gaze and blush profusely.


"Hadley?" Devin and Parker ask at the same time.

"Hadley, have you decided on my offer?" Parker asks, his face pulled together in confusion and disappointment.

Kidnapped By The Prince ✔️ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن