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There's a new chapter before this in case you haven't read it!


Hera had been travelling for what seemed like an eternity, it could have been weeks or maybe even months. She didn't keep track of time anymore, for it didn't matter to her. She had lost everything she loved, everything that kept her sane. But now, her only reason for her to stay alive was her brother and her need for vengeance.

After a lot of persuasion and bribing, she had found the location of where her brother would be with the dragon queen. She hadn't told anyone her real name since she was at the Twins, because she knew there was a bounty on her head. She would be damned if they caught her.

She sat on top of her horse, letting her emerald eyes settle upon the great pyramid of Meereen. The pyramid stood tall and proud, making all the other structures and buildings seem like nothing in comparison. A big bronze harpy stood on the Pyramid's peak, its wings spread out as if it were about to take off into the air. And she knew that inside the great pyramid, was her brother.

She kicked her heels into her horse's sides, letting it carry her further and further towards the pyramid. As she rode past the citizens of Meereen, her face was only a shadow, for a dark blue hood shielded it. Descending her horse, she led it towards the gates, letting her eyes land on the unsullied who stood guard. The unsullied did not speak the common tongue, that she knew. But surely they would understand that she was there to speak with the queen?

They straightened their posture once they spotted her walking towards them, having their weapons ready to use. Hera still had her dagger with her, and she wasn't afraid to use it if need be. Upon stopping in front of them, she also removed her hood, letting them see her face. She held her head up proudly, wanting to seem strong.

"I'm here to speak with Daenerys Targaryen," she announced swiftly, without a trace of emotion on her face. The unsullied glanced warily at each other, clearly having understood what she said. Hera stood still, waiting for what they would do. Finally, one of them nodded his head. He and another unsullied gestured for her to follow them, which she did.

Before she could enter the throne room, one of them stopped her. He said something in a foreign language, which Hera had no clue what meant. She stared at them cluelessly as one of them briskly walked inside the doors, leaving them alone in the hallway. A short amount of time passed, before the doors opened, allowing her inside.

The first person Hera noticed was the dragon queen herself. She was sitting on top of her throne, which you had to walk up a dozen of steps to get to. She had long silver blonde hair, and some of it were braided away from her face while the rest of it fell down in soft curls. Her eyes were in a vibrant violet colour, framed by a pale face. The dress she wore was in a rich blue colour.

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