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The weather were nice in the North. The sun shone brightly, but you still needed to wear a cloak if you wanted to stay warm. There was no rain or snow in sight, which was good. Even in the shadow of the Twins, which were the residens of Walder Frey, the weather still seemed fine.

Hera squinted her eyes against the blinding sun, as she watched Theon prepare his bow and arrow. She was stood beside Robb and Lady Catelyn up on a hill, while Theon was standing further down. He was going to shoot a raven, which had a message tied to its leg.

The messages were sent to or from Walder Frey, but they were shooting them down because they needed to know if he was plotting against them. Hera's emerald eyes moved to look at Robb. He wore a stoic expression, not a flicker of emotion on his face. She felt her stomach drop, but adverted her eyes back to Theon just as his arrow speared through the raven.

It fell to the ground, and he took the message away from the dead bird. He unscrolled it as he walked back up the hill, before giving it to Robb. Robb gave him a nod as a thanks. He read through the message, sighing as he finished.

"It's a birthday message to his grand-niece Walda." Robb stated as he folded the message.

"Or so Walder Frey would have you think" Theon commented, Hera nodding her head in agreement.

"Keep shooting them down. We can't risk Lord Walder sending word of your movements to the Lannisters." Lady Catelyn said, giving her son a demanding look.

Robb turned sharply towards her. "He's grandfathers bannerman! We can't expect his support?" He exclaimed.

"Expect nothing of Walder Frey and you'll never be surpised." Lord Umber butted in.

They all turned towards the Twins at his outburst, squinting to see what he was reffering to. Two of Walder Frey's bannermen were riding towards them, their flags swaying violently in the wind.

"Father rots in a cell" Robb suddenly commented, causing everyone's attention to move back to him. "How long before they take his head?"

Hera bit the inside of her cheek as she glanced at Robb. He wore an expression mixed with sadness and sleepiness. She knew that the war was taking a toll on him, and that he barely slept. The bags under his eyes were proof of that.

"We need to cross The Trident and we need to do it now" he announced.

"Just march up to his gates and tell him we're crossing! We have five times his numbers. You can take the Twins if you have to." Theon commented again. Hera thought his statement over. If they did that, they would lose more men than they could afford, and they needed as many men as possible when the real battle would begin.

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