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Almost a month had passed since Bran's fall, and he had still not woken up. It had been weeks since Sansa, Arya, Jon and Lord Stark left, and Hera was already missing them dearly. Hera sat by a small lake and gazed up at the stars. It was late night, darkness already taking over the woods around her. Her horse, Spirit, stood by the lake, drinking water. The horse was light brown, with a white spot down its forehead.

As Hera gazed up at the stars, she wondered if her family was watching over her. Were they proud, or dissapointed in the person she had become? As she closed her eyes, she could see their faces just as clear as she did when they were still alive. She saw her father's proud smile which he wore whenever she managed to beat one of her brothers in swordfighting, and she saw her mother's loving smile as she gazed at her husband like he was her sun.

She heard Spirit walk towards her, and suddenly her muzzle shoved lightly into Hera's shoulder, causing Hera to smile slightly at the young horse.

"Do you want to go back?" Hera asked as she stroked the side of Spirit's neck. When she recieved a slight nod from the horse, she stood up from the ground.

She made Spirit gallop the way back to Winterfell, enjoying how it felt when the wind hit her face and blew her hair over her shoulders. As she rode into the courtyard, she was surprised to see it full of people running around and shouting at each other. She made Spirit stop walking as she looked around to try and find out what the matter was. That was when she spotted a bright and blazing fire coming from one of the houses.

She debated on going over to help, but it seemed like it was being taken care of. People were already trying to stop the fire by throwing water at it. With that thought in her head, she made Spirit start walking again. She felt people's stares as she rode her horse towards the stables, but she paid them no mind.
When she arrived at the stables, she led the horse to its booth. Before she left the stables, she made sure to give the horse some food.

After some minutes, she was walking in one of the hallways of Winterfell. The hallway were completely empty, because everyone were most likely busy with the fire outside. She knew that was where Robb would be as well. A loud and ear piercing scream echoed through the hallway, which made Hera snap out of her own thoughts. Suddenly alert, she drew her sword and looked around with wide eyes. Another scream followed, and Hera gasped as she realised where the scream came from. It came from Bran's chambers.

Without a second thought, she ran as fast as she could towards the chamber with her sword in her hand. She skiddled to a stop in the doorway of Bran's chamber, her whole body stiffening in shock. Nothing could have prepared her for the sight that met her. Catelyn Stark was sitting at the floor beside Bran's bed, where Bran still laid peacefully. Horror was written over her face and she cradled her bloodied hands in her lap. Her hands had deep cuts in both palms. Bran's direwolf laid on his bed, blood decorating the fur around its mouth. And on the floor beside Lady Catelyn, laid a man with his throat torn out, and the crimson liquid was still flowing from the wound. A bloodied dagger laid beside his corpse.

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