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"And what did she say?" Robb asked Ser Alton who had returned from King's Landing. They were stood inside a tent, but the opening was open, so everyone who walked past could see them. The ones standing inside were Robb, Lord Bolton, Ser Alton, Hera and some other Lords and bannermen. Frankly, Hera didn't know why she was standing with them, but she had nothing better to do anyways.

The air around them were chill, and whenever they breathed, a frosty mist escaped from between their lips. Hera hid her hands inside her cloak to make them warmer, but it didn't really work that well.

Ser Alton gulped, adjusting his eyes away from Robb. "She admired your spirit, your grace," He stopped to glance at Robb, who kept a neutral face.

"What then?" Robb asked.


Robb sighed. "If every man were to be held accauntable for the actions of every distant relative, Ser Alton, we'd all hang." He narrowed his eyes as he waited for Ser Alton to speak again. Hera stood silently at his side, watching with curious eyes.

"She tore the paper in half, your grace." Ser Alton finally answered. Hera glanced at Robb, just as he looked at her. They shared a look which said that they both expected that she would do that.

"You've acted with honor, I thank you for it. Lord Karstark, see that Ser Alton's pen is clean, and give him a hot supper." Robb spoke as he looked at the Lord.

"Ser Alton's pen is occupied your grace, the prisoners from The Yellow Fork..."

"Too many prisoners," Lord Bolton interfered.

Robb had led his army into battle by the Yellow Fork in the Westerlands the night prior. Hera hadn't fought with them though, because her arm were still healing. They had won, and taken many of the soldiers as prisoners. But apparently, they had captured too many prisoners to keep in the pens.

"Is there room for Ser Alton?" Robb asked with a frown.

Lord Karstark lifted an eyebrow. "Does he need to lay down?" Ser Alton's eyes widened in offense as he turned his head around to look at the lord in annoyance.

Robb leaned against the table. "Have the men build him a new pen, put him in with the Kingslayer for now, and have your boy watch over him."

At the mention of the Kingslayer, Hera's thoughts flashed back to the time when he had insulted her and her family. She breathed out from her nose deeply in anger, but calmed herself down quickly. He was in a pen, she told herself. That's where he deserves to be. She could insult him all she'd like if she wished to.

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