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Hera was delighted to say that she won the archery contest. She and Jon first beat Robb, and then Hera beat Jon. She would never forget their faces when she won. They had both looked shocked, which Hera had grinned at. It was later in the day, and it wouldn't be long until the feast started. She felt bad for Jon though, because he wasn't allowed to attend the feast.

That's why Hera decided to keep Jon with some company before she had to attend the feast. He was outside in the courtyard taking his frustration out on a dummy. It was dark outside and the air was chill, which caused Hera to rub her arms in order to be warmer. Jon was whacking his sword at the dummy's head repeatedly, which confirmed Hera's assumptions that he was upset.

"Are you planning on beheading him?" Hera sarcastically asked with one eyebrow raised. Jon stopped whacking mid air, before he sighed and dropped his sword on the ground. He stood there for a while, not saying anything. His raven curly hair were hiding his eyes which were focused on the ground.

Hera sighed before she walked over to the frowning boy. "It's not your fault, you know." He looked up at her with confusion evident on his face. "You didn't chose to be a bastard, you didn't do anything wrong, and it's unfair that you're treated this way." Jon's face softened at her words. She always knew how to make him feel better.

"Thanks Hera."

Hera smiled before she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, his arms instantly going around her waist. He sighed softly and buried his face in Hera's chestnut hair. Hera and Jon had always had a special bond. They were both outcasts at Winterfell. Jon, being the bastard son of Lord Stark, and Hera coming from a different family who were all murdered. Jon had become like a brother to her, and he had taken up the big brother role of her deceased brothers.

They stood like that for a while before they let go. Jon gave her a small smile. "You should go to the feast before Lady Stark notices your absence."

Hera frowned slightly. "I don't want to leave you out here alone though." Jon's eyes settled on something behind Hera. She turned her head around curiously, until her eyes landed on Benjen Stark who rode in on his horse. She looked back at Jon while smiling slightly. "Alright, but I'm only going because Benjen is here."

Just as she said that, Benjen appeared beside them, a smile covering his face. "Uncle Benjen!" Jon exclaimed and hugged him tightly. Benjen chuckled as he patted his back. When they let go, Benjen turned to Hera.

"It's nice to see you again, Hera."

"You too, Benjen." Benjen's face suddenly broke into a grin before he opened his arms.

"Come here!" That caused Hera to laugh as she walked into his arms. Benjen had always treated her well. He was definitely the more wild and fun Stark.

Hera smiled at both of them. "I should go to the feast before Lady Stark have my head." Her statement caused both Jon and Benjen to laugh. She enjoyed these moments, just laughing and having fun without a care in the world.

When she walked into the feast, she was instantly wrapped in a blanket of warmth. All around her, people were laughing, talking loudly and drinking. Hera noticed that king Robert was already drunk and he was getting close with a wench. Her eyes scanned the room for a familiar face. After a couple of seconds of searching, her eyes landed on Robb.

She pushed herself through the crowds of drunk people until she got to the table. She sat down on Robb's right side, because Theon Greyjoy sat at his left side. She sat down with a sigh, her emerald eyes scanning the crowd around her.

"Only a couple minutes in and everyone are already drunk." Robb and Theon snickered at her comment. She didn't miss the way Theon's eyes studied her body in the dress. She gave him a glare, causing him to quickly turn away.

"Where were you?" Robb asked her with a loud voice. They had to talk loudly because of the growing noises around them.

"I was with Jon" she answered as she filled a goblet up with some wine. She drank some of the wine as Robb looked at her.

"How is he?"

"He was pretty miserable, but I think he is better now." Robb always hated how his mother treated Jon. He even said that if it was up to him, Jon would have been legitimized a long time ago. Hera's eyes scanned the crowd around her again. She often did that unintentionally. She spotted Arya, who looked like she was planning something. Her lips was spread into a toothy grin. She put some of her food onto a spoon, before she suddenly flung the food off the spoon.

The food flew through the air, until it hit Sansa straight in the face, leaving a patch of food on her face. Sansa gasped in shock before she screeched Arya's name. Hera couldn't help but burst into laughter. Her cheeks hurt from how big she was smiling, and tears appeared in her eyes. Robb howled with laughter from beside her, and he held onto her shoulder to steady himself. Without warning, he stopped laughing. He looked over at Hera, trying to hide his laughter.

"I have to take Arya to bed." Hera nodded in understanding. She knew it was lady Stark who had somehow made Robb take Arya to bed. As he left, Hera lifted her goblet and drank more wine.

The next day, Hera was really tired. She was at the feast for a long time yesterday, and she drank a lot of wine. But, she found that being outside made her feel more awake, so that's where she was now. She was playing with Robb's direwolf, Grey Wind. Robb always joked about how Grey Wind liked Hera better, which Hera always rolled her eyes at.

She was sitting on the ground, Grey Wind eagerly cuddling up against her. Hera laughed and stroked his fur as he nuzzled his face into her stomach. He suddenly pushed her, causing her to tip backwards until she was laying on the ground. She burst into laughter as Grey Wind licked her face. She covered her face with her hands as she still laughed.

"Hera!" Grey Wind suddenly dissapeared from beside her, so Hera sat up with confusion clouding her mind. Her eyebrows were furrowed together as Jon ran towards her, his face panicked. This instantly caused Hera's heart to speed up, because she knew that face meant that something was wrong.

She stood up quickly, feeling panicked. "What is it?" She asked hurriedly with wide eyes.

"Bran" Jon announced. "He has fallen from the tower." Those words was all that was needed for Hera to feel like she just got stabbed in the heart. Without another word, they both ran towards the castle. Their hearts nearly bursting out of their chests in panic as they did so.

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