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Robb wasn't joking when he said that he wanted to leave as soon as possible. Hera had been sleeping in her chamber, her only concerns happening inside her own dreams. Theon had roughly knocked on her chamberdoor, and told her that they were leaving. She sat in her bed for a while, not being able to process the information because of how tired she was. She got a grip on herself and rose from the bed. Then she had gotten dressed and collected everything she would need.

She met them in the courtyard, where they were stood with their horses, waiting for the rest of the men to arrive. Robb held the reins of both his horse and Hera's horse, and as soon as he saw her coming, he gave her the horse's reins.

"You couldn't have waited until the morning?" She sleepily asked. She had always been a tired girl, and it certainly didn't help to wake her up in the middle of the night. Robb studied her face for a couple of seconds with a raised eyebrow.

"It's better at night. I don't want the Lannisters to know I'm coming. They have spies everywhere."

Hera sighed and looked up as she felt a couple of raindrops hit her face. "Perfect timing" she mumbled under her breath. The rain didn't pour, but it was enough to make her become wet. When Robb mounted his horse, Hera did the same. She was still very sleepy, so she didn't really register what happened around her, other than that they had started moving. With a tired sigh, she made the horse start walking towards the gates.

She didn't know how long they had been riding, but she suspected that it were at least a couple of hours. She could see Robb and Theon riding further at the front, chatting with each other. They would have to settle down for the night soon, or else someone could pass out. Probably herself.

She wasn't as tired anymore, but she still really wanted to sleep. The rain had stopped a while ago, but everyone were still drenched in water. Robb stopped his horse, which caused everyone else to stop as well.

"We'll lay camp here!" he shouted so that everyone could hear him. Hera mentally thanked him.


It was the next day, and they had set up all the tents and settled down in their new camp. Robb, Theon, Hera and some of the bannermen stood inside Robb's tent. His tent were the biggest one, considering he was the Lord after all. It were lightly snowing outside, causing a cool breeze to sneak inside the tent now and then. Hera was wearing a fur cloak, so that made her warmer at least.

"What do you plan on doing with the king?" Theon asked Robb, his usual smirk covering his face.

Robb sighed. "I haven't thought about that yet."

Wreak Havoc ♛ Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now