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Hera stood behind the Stark family who was lined up to greet the royal family, and Jon stood at her side. Jon had to stand behind the Starks because he was a bastard. That means that he is the son of Ned Stark, but not Catelyn Stark. Hera felt bad for him. Catelyn Stark was a master at making him feel hated because of it. Hera was forced to dress nicely for the accasion. She was wearing a blue dress with fur around the shoulders. Her chestnut hair was braided away from her face in her signature hairstyle. She wasn't very fond of dressing up, and she preferred trousers to dresses.

She had to admit, she was a little bit excited to see the royal family. She had heard all kinds of different stories about them. She had been told how the king, Robert Baratheon, had been very handsome and brave in his younger days when he had taken the throne. But now, he was said to be a fat man who only drank and whored around. She had heard stories about the queen as well. It was said that the king and queen's children were actually the product of incest between the queen and her twin brother.

That story made Hera feel disgusted for even thinking it, and she quickly pushed the thought to the back of her mind. Hera watched as the first part of the king's horses and men entered Winterfell. At the front, the king's oldest son, Joffrey Baratheon, was riding on his horse wearing a smug look on his face. A little further behind him, Hera spotted the hound.  He was wearing a helmet shaped as a hound's head. The hound, or Sandor Clegane as his real name was, was Joffrey's guard.

Hera sighed while glancing down at her feet. She just wanted this to get over with so she could go back to her own business. She leaned towards Jon, who looked at her curiously.

"How long do you think we have to stand here?" She softly asked as she never looked away from the royal party. Jon chuckled quietly, glancing down at her.

"Suck it up."

Hera shoved him softly in the shoulder in response, causing him to bite down on his lip to keep from laughing.

"Where's Arya?" Catelyn Stark asked while looking for the youngest Stark girl. Hera looked around for the young girl, but she couldn't see her. "Sansa, where's your sister?" Sansa shrugged in response which caused Catelyn to sigh. As more banners appeared inside the courtyard, Arya suddenly rushed past her parents. Well, she tried, but she was stopped by her father. Her brown eyes looked up from underneath the helmet she was wearing, which she had probably stolen from a guard.

"Hey, what are you doing with that on?" Eddard Stark asked his youngest daughter while pulling the helmet off her head. Arya shrugged as Ned gave the helmet to Maester Luwin who stood behind him.

Arya scooted in next to Sansa, while lightly pushing Bran to the side. "Move!"

Hera noticed that Sansa was smiling at someone. Her green eyes followed Sansa's until they landed on Joffrey, who was smiling flirtingly back at her. A digusted shiver ran down Hera's back and she quickly adverted her eyes. The carriage which carried the queen and her other children came into view, and behind the carriage came the king. Hera couldn't help but gape at the sight of him. He was even fatter than she had ever thought.

Suddenly people started kneeling, but Hera was too shocked to notice. It wasn't until Jon gripped her arm and dragged her down to the ground that she realised. She sent him a thankful look, causing him to nod back at her. The king descended from his horse and quickly walked over to Ned Stark. It was entirely quiet as he walked, no one dared make a sound. It wasn't until Lord Stark stood up, that everyone else followed.

"Your Grace" Ned Stark said with a respectful bow of his head. Robert's face was void of any emotion as he looked at his old friend.

"You've got fat" his booming voice said bluntly. Hera's eyebrows instantly shot up in surprise. She definitely didn't think the king would be so blunt. Ned Stark lifted an eyebrow and gestured to Robert's fat stomach as if he was saying 'what about you?'. The king suddenly broke into laughter, Ned Stark joining in. They gave each other a hug while their laughter boomed through the courtyard.

Robert glanced at Catelyn Stark while grinning. "Cat!" he exclaimed while hugging her.

"Your grace" she responed with a polite smile.

"Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?" Robert exclaimed while looking at Ned.

"Guarding the north for you, your grace. Winterfell is yours." he responded. Meanwhile, Queen Cersei and her children descended the carriage. The queen was said to be the most beautiful woman in all of the seven kingdoms. She had long golden hair and green eyes, both being Lannister traits. She wore colors representing her house, red and gold.

"Where's the imp?" Arya asked as her eyes searched the royal party. The imp was the queens brother. He was called the imp because he was a dwarf.

"Will you shut up?" Sansa snapped at her sister.

Robert walked over to Robb, who straightened up and lifted his chin. "Who have we here? You must be Robb." Robb gave the king a firm nod.

The king moved on to Sansa. "My, you're a pretty one." Sansa smiled at the king as a way of saying thank you. Robert stopped in front of Arya with a confused look on his face. "Your name is?" Arya looked bored as she answered with her name. Robert moved to Bran. "Ooh, show us your muscles." Bran proudly flexed his arm, but he didn't have many muscles considering his age. "You'll be a soldier" Robert said causing Bran to beam up at him.

"That's Jaime Lannister, the queens twin brother" Arya commented. Sansa glared at her.

"Would you please shut up?" 

Hera looked at Jaime. He had golden hair and green eyes like his twin sister. He was wearing a golden armor, making him look more like a king than Robert did.

Cersei Lannister walked towards the Starks with a forced smile on her face. She held her hand out which Ned Stark kissed. "My queen."

Catelyn bowed respectfully as she also said "My queen."

Robert looked towards Ned. "Take me to your crypt, I want to pay my respects." He said it in a way that made it seem like a demand. The crypt was a place underneath Winterfell where the deceased Starks were buried, including Ned's sister, Lyanna.

"We've been riding for a month my love, surely the dead can wait" Cersei snapped at her husband with an annoyed look on her face. Robert ignored her and instead looked at Ned.

"Ned" he said again. Ned sighed, before he started walking with Robert beside him.

"Where's the imp?" Arya asked Sansa again, causing the queen's eyes to snap to her. Cersei walked over to Jaime still scowling.

"Where is our brother? Go find the little beast"

Hera sighed in relief when she realised that she didn't have to stand there anymore. She could do what she wanted now, at least until the feast later that today. She glanced at Robb and Jon who were both standing with her now.

"Anyone up for an archery contest?" They both looked at her with grins covering their faces.

"You bet" Robb answered, causing them all to chuckle.

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