Chapter 45 - The return of the Doom?

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~ Author's Note ~

Aren't you some special person, huh? Thank you so much for supporting me and WOY, I really, really love this fandom and the show, with all my heart! <3

I wanted to say sorry for stopping the updating so suddenly! >0<)/ As you may know by now, I had a writer's block. But no more!

The meme up there belongs to Jellaa864. It's just so funny! I had to share it 😆

Oh, yes! Twice today! Frog yeah~ 😎

Enjoy nwn

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"Do ya know Peepers likes ya?"


"Haha! Yes. But I told the boy he didn't 'ave any minimal chance."

"... I take it you weren't rude with him?"

"Me? Rude? Who do ya take me fo'?" Sylvia smirked, (Name) shrugged. And afterwards, they both hear someone shouting from the distance.


"Oh... Look, it's Wander."

"Fantastic!" (Name) chirped happily "Just who I wanted to see~!"


"Howdy, Syl!" he took out his hat, bowing "Lil' (Name)!"

"Hiya, buddy."

"Wandy!" almost instantanealy, the smaller one of the girls hugged him like if she hasn't seen him in ages.

Feeling a sweeter atmosphere, Sylvia coughed "If ya need me, I'll be, uh... over there!"

"BYE, SYL!!" claimed them both right after their friend got out of their sight.

"So..." the orange one fidgeted "How 'cha feelin'?"

"Fine now, thanks. Although, I'm still a bit tired."

"... I see 'cha in need o' the bandages for a bit longer... Huh? Lil' (Name), your hands!" apparently, just now Wander got notice of her two hands. Carefully, he held them in his own hands "They're both wrapped 'p...!?"

"Yep!" (Name) looked at her hands, sniffing and almost crying dramatically "My lovely hands...!"

"Well, if it makes 'cha feel better..." he held her hands, to his chest "You're still lovely even if 'cha don't 'ave hands!"

"Haha, it's not like I don't have hands! ... I just have a burn in one and no feeling in the other one. So..." she took her hands away and punched Wander's shoulder lightly. Afterwards, he rubbed it "I didn't feel that, heh!"

"What? Is it that--" he widened his eyes in surprise "'Cha still can't feel anythin'?"


"But you'll be okay, right? I know 'cha will be just fine!" for Wander's confusion, after saying that, (Name) went quiet. For a long while. And he wasn't ready for what she was going to say next.

"You owe me a kiss."

"..." seeing as he appeared to not have listened, or to be ignoring the statement, she talked again.

"Must I... say it louder?"

"No, no! I... heard 'cha."

Another long silence. (Name) grew impatient, and stared down at her feet.

"Sooo... will you do it, ooor... do I have to do everything here?"

"Never!" Wander finally was encouraged enough to hold her hands and lean a bit on her "A gentleman always gotta give the first step!"

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now