Chapter 19 - The Zbornak and the flower.

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~ Author's Note ~

Thank you, thanks, SO MANY THANKS to you, who read my work. I'm very proud of it, and of you n.n

Reader will receive a call from her... ehm, boss' secretary (?) since she was apparently missing for WEEKS!! What have you been doing, dear?

Ok, sooo... double-sense joke ahead (?) Please, try not to get the wrong idea with the drawing up there! I tried hard to draw it another way, but it just wouldn't behave (?)

Enjoy nwn

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"Huh...? Ah!" she sat up in her bed, stretched her hand, and answered the walkie-talkie "Hello?"

"What are you doing!?"

"Commander? It's not very often for you to call instead of your boss."

"Lord! My lord!"

"So, did you want a souvenir? I'm sorry to tell you I'm short in cash."

"No, (Name)! How is your work doing!? I called instead of lord Hater because he would have yelled ugly things to you, and he would have even shocked the communicator!"

"Is he that mad?"

"He is fuming! You've been lost for weeks, (Name), WEEKS!! What on galaxy takes you more than two months to do, huh!?"

"I'm sure they weren't two months..."

"They were MORE months!"

"Yep, that's right!"

"Did you find Wander?"

"Wander...? O-oh, yes! I found him!"

"Really!? Great then! Let us pick you up, then! Where are yo--"


"Umm... Yes...? Why?"

"Because... I told you I found him, not that I CAPTURED him!"

On the other line, you could hear Peepers sigh "(Name), take your job more seriously, will you?"

"I will try."

"And please, PLEASE!! Stop playing hide and seek with Wander and catch him for once and all! Lord Hater's been zapping everybody in the ship!"

"I will try."

"No, you WON'T try! You WILL do it! And you WILL have Wander in your hands by the end of this week, ok!?"

"I will try."


"Whaaaat? Umm... Yes, yes... I heard you."

"You're not really listening, are you?"

"Really? No."


"Don't yell at me!"

"You want the money, don't you? Then, GET OUT THERE AND DO WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO!!"

"Geez, don't be so grouchy... You begin to sound like your boss!"

"Don't say such a thing about lord Hater!"

"You get that you're self-deprecating you, right? ... You'll get old and die alone~"

"Talking with you is almost the same as talking to Wander... with Sylvia's attitude!"

"Wow, that's a pretty interesting idea! Have you talked to a being like that?"

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