Chapter 3 - Next destination: Awesome party in some vacation planet!!

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~ Author's Note ~

Hello, my dear readers! Hope you're enjoying this story so far, as I am REALLY enjoying these crazy ideas I have n.n

You probably know this, but you can imagine yourselves AS YOU WANT, no limits! SOOOO... let's do some magic to those pretty Star Nomads you are!

Party time!! Here goes your favorite party-man!

Party-shark! Party-whale! Whatever!

~ × × × ~

Sylvia was walking in their orbble to an unknown place; they just would stop wherever someone needs them. That's the way they chose to live.

Still, Wander couldn't get rid of his uneasiness. Though, he would not show sadness that easily, his friend knew. He was just... over-thinking.

He let out a heavy sigh.

"What's wrong, buddy?"

"What'cha mean, Sylvia?"

His voice sounded kind of lonely. Again, Wander would not show sadness, but he could still sound down. And that alone was NOT a normal behaviour of Wander's.

"I didn't see ya really enjoying the party last night. And I know you, ya're really a party animal!" she contained the giggling, turning serious again "But I won't buy that thing 'bout 'the sand being too pretty blue to think 'bout something else'." she raised an eyebrow, worried "Are ya still thinking 'bout what we talked yesterday?"

"Syl, I..." he changed his position from lying on his back, to lying on his side "I don't wanna be alone! It's boring!"

"Oh, Wander..." she didn't really had even one answer, to the unsettling feeling her friend was having. He was the only of her kind she knew, she has come to the thought that there were no more Star Nomads in all outer space! But maybe she could just cheer him up a bit... saying something, doing something "You're not alone. Ya 'ave me, a big and healthy Zbornak! ... AND your best friend. The best Zbornak that could guard ya."

"Haha! That's right, Syl! You're right." finally Wander laughed and seemed to forget the issue for a bit, and hugged her by the neck. Until she heard that flarpin' question. And there we go, AGAIN "But, do 'cha think that what Mr. Shadow said 'bout me's true? That I'm lookin' for somethin'. Am I lookin' for somethin'? Hmm... I didn't know I was lookin' for somethin'."

"Wander, don't keep on believing what EVERYBODY tells ya! I can assure ya, that guy's a mystery himself, so don't let yourself be influenced by 'is fancy talking."

"Hmm... I guess you're right."

"Hey, what 'bout going to that vacation planet we both know so well? We can get a good rest there and ya'll enjoy yourself. Remember? Flyin' a kite at the shore of the sea... 'n feelin' the breeze on our faces an--"

"Beep Boop!!" he gasped, happily.

"Yes... I don't think he'd come back there anymore."

"I wonder what's been 'bout him...? Maybe he moved into a faraway planet full with other bots 'n he dated some pretty she-bot and they got married two months later and they 'ad a ton o' mini-bots...!! SO CUTEEEEE...!!"

Sylvia rolled her eyes, giving a tiny smile "So... Ya wanna go or not?"

"Completely 'n absolutely YES, Syl!" overly excited, Wander took ahold of the reins and on cue, Sylvia straightened herself up, taking impulse to take off running "Let's go!"

And while she was running at full speed, Sylvia thought.

'Hehe, it's good to see him so excited now... You do a great job, Sylvia!'

~ × × × ~

"Hey, huntress."

"Eh!? You again?" the Star Nomad looked behind her, but still walking forward, giving little kicks that lifted up some dust "What do you want now? The heroes already came to save BlueLand so, I can't remain here any longer... though I'm hungry. And some animals are hungry, too."

"Maybe you're interested in, another destination. Your only option now is to keep going forward, anyways."

"What can you offer me now, black ghost?" she finally turned around and crossed her (f/c) arms, eyes wide open and ears willing to hear a new idea "Surprise me!"

The shadow giggled a bit maliciously and flew in circles, in front of her "If lost you are, and confused the whereabouts of your prey you wanna ask, go back to your lord and plead him to give you another task."

"What? I can't go back to him, he won't trust me anymore!" she threw her backpack onto her shoulder "Besides, black ghost, this is my mission, I'm a huntress. I have to do it!"

"For your pride...? This is not an option, huntress." he appeared in front of her, waving his tail 'no' "This is your future."

"How you say that to me?? I've never turned down a job of any kind! I've hunt down gigantic and ferocious monsters, of course I can with some wandering weirdo."

"Huntress. This is a prey you cannot tame."

"... I don't see the need of continuing talking with you. It's tiring AND frustrating! YOU are frustrating."

"Try to escape, go ahead, but your future is tied to you."

"I don't think so, ghosty."

"I suggest you to go to this... certain vacation planet. Maybe, just maybe you can find something useful there."

"... Stop. You're just interfering wit-- Huh?" when she turned again, the ghost was no longer there.

Well, did she really have any more clues about where to go now? Everytime she was given an advice, she would take it to not feel disoriented, why would she ignore it this time?

It's not like she had another option, the shadow said himself.

So, she just stuck to her backpack and blew an orbble to take her away. Next destination: some vacation planet.

~ ~ Arriving 'there'...

"... Wow, this is not half bad as I expected it to be, as a suggestion from that black ghost thingy!"

Putting her feet onto the sand, she was left mouth-agaped with the bustling party that was having place there. Loud electronic music, neon lights of different colours, people with weird forms dancing there and here, including a complete stage and huge parlants... and some strange short guys with hands instead of heads.

But the fact was, she didn't notice the party host.

She just walked into the crowd and began to blend into the party. I mean, why have it to be all work, when the clausules of her contract didn't limit her time? Neither forbidden her of enjoying a good party.

"This is indeed!" she shouted between the noises "A super great--"

~ × × × ~


"Are ya kiddin' me?" Sylvia rolled her eyes as Wander took off running and shouting and blending into the crowd, too. She facepalmed "Awesome had to be taking over THIS very planet, SERIOUSLY...!?"

"WOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!! PARTY!!" she could heard Wander from beneath the crowd, and even see him jumping up and down, like a kangaroo.

"I just wanted to relax with my friend! RELAX!!" Sylvia shouted to... no one, really "WHAT CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND O' THE WORD 'RELAXING', HUH!?"

She finally sighed and let all her frustration wash away. Looking up to the imponent stage, it looked like it would take a bit more than usual to turn this party off.

"I've gotta find Wander and stop this party... Not in that order."

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