Chapter 9 - The fated hour?

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~ Author's Note ~

Thanks for all the views! I really hope you like my stories, dear readers n.n)/

In this chapter, finally, the fated hour has came to its climax... owo And Sylvia cannot light a fire by herself xD Oh, and don't worry about the Reader's past. We're getting to the end of that mini history now xD I mean, not now but soon (I hope?) o_o

And I'm so sorry! When I drew the scene, I had troubles with my black marker. He picked up a fight with me and ended dead (ok no?). Reader is supposed to be a shadow so you can imagine her fur colour and appearance, it's not my OC, I HATE to make a story out of my OCs when it's supposed to be a CharacterxReader. In fact, none of these added characters are OCs, they're just here because I needed people (?) xD Still, sorry for the colouring uwu

Oh yes, this is the first chapter in this whole story with more than 1200-1299 words... I'm sad. Bye, symmetry...!! TT^TT

Enjoy nwn

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"I brought the wood, Sylvia!"

"Good, leave it there."

"Wait, there's more!" Wander left the wood on the floor and took off running, and then came back with more wood. And he did that same thing like four times more.

"Buddy, that's more than enough!" Sylvia stated as Wander took off again "Buddy!" when he took off again and came back, the Zbornak picked him up, making him drop the last batch of branches "Wander!"

"Yes, Syl?"

"Enough, bud."

"Oh. Okay!" he smiled.

"Now, let's get to this." Sylvia sat up as Wander sat down and both picked up a pair of branches.

~ ~ 30 minutes of rubbing two sticks together later...

"Aaaagh!! I give up!"

That was what shouted Sylvia as she threw away the branches she was holding, branches which Wander caught in middle air and that replaced the other pair of branches that he was already using to light a fire.

"Thanks for the branches, Syl!"

She sighed "Buddy, sorry. Can ya go on doin' that?"

"Sure! It never hurts to 'elp!"


As Wander took over the entire task, Sylvia laid down and thought, enjoying the dark and foggy sky. Well, she wasn't enjoying it, but... she was just thinking. She could well enjoy anything now. But...

Would she do it now? Talk with Wander about the 'other Star Nomad issue'? Would he blame her for letting it pass by...?

Nah, he wouldn't. He's too nice to get angry. But maybe he will be sad. Sad because maybe, the other Star Nomad will never appear again in this galaxy, nor in their lives, and... this secret was frustrating her.

It's about time to get it out of her system.

And even if Wander gets sad, she would find the way to cheer him up, even if it costs her a high price.

Or all of her savings.

"Oh, by the way!" Wander shouted aloud "I also found this paper airplane! Cute, isn't it? 'Cha wanna read it? It's pretty funny!"

"... Ya totally trailed me off my deep thoughts, Wander."

"Ha ha ha!" he read it.

~ ~ Back to you...

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now