Canada's Birthday

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   After an only 3 hour drive to Victoria Canada and Prussia crashed the night at a bed and Breakfast by the ocean. Prussia lay in the white satin sheets of the humble home and awoke to the smell of bacon and many loud cheery voices. He got out of bed and looked to his suitcase for a change of clothes. He then made his way to the kitchen where Canada was already speaking with the lovely elder couple that owned the quante rest stop. 

"Good morning young sir." The wife said catching the Prussian. "Sleep well?"

"Ya, but what's all the noise?" He asked.

"Oo, sorry about that, the harbour has been setting up stands and shows for the fireworks." She explained.

"Come eat Gil, we can head down there later when everything's set up." the young country said.

"Anything you say Birthday boy." 

"We are so lucky you chose Victoria as the place to celebrate your Birthday. Are you going to make a speech at the show tonight?" The male owner said.

"Ah, no. No one knows I'm here." He laughed nervously. "I just wanna enjoy the festival."

"Well the we'll keep it hush hush." the old woman winked.

"Thanks." He shied.

"Why keep it a secret?! It's YOUR birthday you should be WORSHIPPED." Prussia yelled excitedly.

"I-I don't wanna be worshipped!" Canada panicked.

"Sheesh so modest. You're a whole country! Second largest! You should be worshipped."

   Canada blushed and looked away. "C'mon let's eat so we can go before the crowd shows up."

"Pfft what kinda crazy crowd could there possibly be?"

*******LATER IN THE CROWD*******

"Holy crap!" Prussia screeched. "There's like a billion people here!Did the whole population of Canada show up?!"

"It's more like a few thousand." Canada laughed at the shocked silverette.

   Prussia paused and saw a man spray painting a canvas on the ground. "What's he doing?" He asked.

"Mm? Spray art?" Canada guessed. "Wanna look?"

"No way it's your birthday what do YOU wanna do?"

"Hmmm, Ice cream?"

"Ice-cream it is!!"

   The two went to an overly priced store with a line that went out the door. They waited patiently as Prussia asked Canada a bunch of random questions.

"So Canada, how did you get your independence. Fight a huge war? Threaten Britain with not sending them maple tea? Cause I definitely don't remember you becoming a country 150 years ago and I never got a recommendation from America to help you like I did him."

"Oh he would have..... If there was a war." Canada laughed.

"What?" Prussia asked amazed. "Britain's a stickler for colonies and loved the power of owning so much, what did you do to him?"

"I-I didn't do anything!!" Canada defended. "It was just like when a kid moves out of their parents house is all. My boss and I just asked..... we signed some documents and I then was my own country. We didn't end things on a bad note, we are still common wealth, that's why the queen is still my queen as well."

"What? Boring!" the white haired male pouted. "But I am surprised about one thing." 


"Why aren't you Britain's favourite?"

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