BC Time to drink

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   Canada and Prussia sat on the long wooden balcony eating steaks. Canada had some how been able to stop the head strong Prussia and convinced him of the wonders of barbecueing in the mountains. He had been very right. The sent of clean pine air mixed well with the sweet sent of the barbecued steaks, potatoes, and corn. The scenery made all the smells match in perfect harmony. Canada's cabin sat on a small hill that oversaw a gorgeous crystal lake. The clean untouched lake reflected the tall mountains like a picture.

"Everything is so still and untouched." Prussia sounded offended but canada could tell he enjoyed it.

"Most of Canada is still untouched by man." Canada said proudly.

"Oh? Men don't touch you much?" Prussia wiggled his eye brows.

"Not enough...." The curly haired boy paused. "I just walked into that didn't I?" He said embarrassed.

"More like a casual waltz." Prussia smirked.

   Canada hid his face with his hands and let out a long painful sigh. Prussia laughed so loud it echoed over the valley.

"Don't worry kid your untouched body is safe with me."

   Canada blushed even deeper and he tried to concentrate on mashing up his potato. Prussia watched with a wide grin.

"You do that too?" He said happily.

Canada's violet eyes looked up a bit confused. "Mash my potatoes?"


   The blond moved his eyes to his now destroyed potato.

"I would feel kinda silly if I just picked it up, dipped it in butter and ate away." Canada said with an embarrassed grin.

   Prussia bursted out laughing and held a hand to his chest.

"I can never tell if you're being sassy or honest!" He laughed.

"I-I was being honest!" Canada said a bit scared he may have offended his guest.

Prussia laughed and took a bite of his mash. "You're fun to tease." He smiled.

Canada's eyes widened, he smiled and crossed his arms.

"That's not very nice."

Prussia snickered. "So, Mr. Canada, what are you gonna show me first?"

"Show you?" Canada thought it over. "Well we could go to Barkerville if you wanted. You can go panning for gold."

"GOLD?!" Prussia's eyes popped. "I can get GOLD!"

"Well not that M-"

"GOLD!!" Prussia jumped. "I wanna pan for gold!"

Canada smiled and watched the Prussian man dance around. Singing "gold gold gold."

"Can we go?! Now?!"

"Now? It's almost night time! We've been drinking! Maybe we should go tomorrow." Canada said worried.

Prussia looked at his Canadian beer and smiled.

"Okay okay, I get it, Canadians can't drink much anyways."

   Canada took slight offence to that comment. He could most definitely hold his liquor better than anyone he knew, especially his twin brother. He wasn't one to brag about it, though he was proud.

"I can drink just fine." he defended.

   Prussia's interest peaked at the shy mans defensive side.

"Well well then, Would you like to test your skills." Prussia challenged.

   Canada stood up calmly and left into the house. Prussia was afraid he had offended him. He bit his lip debating on following him into the house.
Until the blond escaped with two heavy looking bags. He placed them onto the table and unpacked them. He brought out Crown royals, Molson Candian, Coke, and Maple liquor.

   Prussia smiled strongly looking at the alcohol. He looked back at Canada and said.

"Let's begin."


   An hour had past by and the two were still standing. All the beer was gone so now they challenged each other with maple whiskey.

"You can back out now if you're scared?" Prussia gave Canada an out.

"This is my countries liquor. Maybe you should be scared?" Canada said innocently.

"Me?! The awesome PRUSSIA?! Scared of YOUR whiskey! I've beaten Scotland and Ireland with my hands behind my back!"

"Then put my whiskey where your mouth is."

"Then I have the perfect drinking game." Prussia said. "Get your polar bear to ref us."

"You want my polar bear to referee a drinking game?" Canada said baffled.

"I'm in." Kumajiro said hopping into the the seat beside them.

"Alright, we start out with three shot glasses. Who ever takes longest to drink has to add another glass." Prussia explained.

   Canada nodded understanding. He reached into his bag and pulled out a plethora of crystal shot glasses. He slid three to Prussia and three to himself.

   Prussia pulled over the crown royal maple. He looked at it for a second laughing to himself at the fact that he had maple whiskey. He poured his own shots then slid the bottle across the table.

"Prepare to be beat." Prussia said adjusting his shoulders.

"Okay." Canada said innocently.

Kumajiro lifted a paw. "Okay, on your mark, get set, drink!"

   Prussia slammed the three shots down as swift as he could. The thick whiskey took him by surprise but he never faltered. He slammed the last one on the table to see Canada already waiting for him.

The small polar bear declared Canada as the winner.

"How did you-" Prussia's mind was blown.

"We can stop now, it's okay." Canada said honestly.

Prussia shook his head. "No, I won't lose to you!"

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