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   Prussia sat in the very back seats of the cadillac. The SUV was nice considering the space, however Prussia couldnt help but feel like a married couple on their way to pick up their kid from soccer practice.

"Why are you sitting way back there?" Canada asked.

"It feels like an awkward limo, drive on peasant!" He barked.

   Canada thought of fighting Prussia over the peasant thing but when he saw the Prussians bright red eyes he knew he was joking. His eyes sparkled like an excited kid, it made sense, Canada probably let the Prussian get away with too much. Yet he planned to keep it that way, maybe just so he could see that excited smile.

   After an easy hour drive they made it to their destination. It was exactly as Canada said. There stood a massive lumber built store with grass as the roof. On that grass stood happy little goats tromping around without a care in the world. The place spread into many small stores while the plaza was filled with stone sculptures. Prussia got out and he smiled widely at the exciting new place.

"O.M.G!" He gasped. "I'm gonna ride that giant snail!!"

   Canada reached out but before he could stop him the Prussian male was already beginning to climb up the side and mount the large creature. Canada made his way over to the excited country and stood underneath him. Prussia looked down carrying with him a large smile.

"Hey, you get on the chicken, we'll have a race!"

   The younger country looked to the still, heavy Rooster thinking that it wouldn't be very fast. But when he looked at the snail he realized it was a true winner. So Canada went around and climbed atop the massive chicken.

"My snail was bred for stealth, it's a bread like no other!! It puts greyhounds.. No! Cheetahs to shame!! What does your chicken have?!" The pale man challenged.

"You better watch out, birds eat snails, Clucky here skipped breaky. I wouldn't want anything to happen to your purebred race snail." Canada shot at back innocently.

"You would let your chicken eat my snail?! Diabolical!!" Prussia wailed. "Alright on your mark, get set, ride Swiftwind!"

   Canada laughed as he watched Prussia intensely hold onto the snail and pretend it was slithering to its best. He finally stopped and looked up.

"I'm over it, let's go see something else." He said hopping off the snail.

   Canada followed him into the log house like store. When they entered they saw fresh produce and lanterns that hung from the ceiling. Gilbert's eyes twinkled and he wanted to buy EVERYTHING. They went deeper into the store and they stopped when the reached the toys. Each one looked hand crafted of wood or stone. There were crazy toys Prussia had never seen, or hadn't seen in hundreds of years.

"Don't spend all your money in one place." Canada said. "Remember there are more stores with equally cool stuff."

Prussia stopped and whipped around. "It would take me years to buy all this stuff!!" He hollered.

"There's still the rest of Canada as well." The blond reminded.

"Oh mein Gott. Guess I'll just have to stay in Canada forever and ever." He sighed.

   Canada blushed deeply thinking over the possibility of the old country staying with him forever.

"I-I wouldn't mind that." He smiled.

   Prussia turned around with that killer smile. He put his hands on his hips and cackled.

"Of course not, I'm the greatest!! You always want ME around!!"

   Canada watched the cocky man walk through the toys like a proud child. He looked down still blushing and whispered to himself. "I really do."


   After Prussia and Canada had gone through the stores, bought everything that looked cool, bought ice-cream and got in trouble for climbing the roof to mingle with the goats. They retired to a sandy beach. The two got out of the SUV together, Prussia walked to the hatch opening it to start unloading.

"I'm telling you, smoke salmon jerky is probably the best this I've eaten here so far." Prussia said hauling out two fold up chairs.

"You didn't even believe they existed." Canada reached for the cooler.

"Well I'm so happy they do!" He said closing the hatch.

   They walked down to the sandy beach and set up their place by the water. Canada placed down the cooler which was full of food and cool drinks from Coombs. They sat down together and sighed from their long adventure. 

"I don't know what to do first! Make a sand castle or freeze my tushi in the ocean!" 

"Sand castles. definitely." Canada nodded.

"Sand castle off?"

"You're on."

   The two carried buckets to the ocean shore and started on their castles. Prussia sat in the sand heaping the pale grains over each other into a massive pile. He then began to sculpt the sand into a beautiful and perfectly symmetric group of towers. He took time and care into shaping windows and a drawbridge before creating a moat. He stood up proudly and turned to brag only for his mouth to drop.

"I'm finished." Mattie said before turning to the silverette.

   There behind the young country stood a magnificent tower that looked like it jutted over clouds. Wrapped around it was a massive dragon that clutched to the castle snarling. 

"What the fuck is that?!" Prussia said dramatically.

Canada's eyes flew open in surprise. "Y-you don't like it?"

"Like it?! What are you?! It's awesome!!" 

   Canada sighed in relief before letting a smile cross his lips. He looked away a bit embarrassed. Prussia snickered and walked to the boy taking his arm.

"Let's walk along the shore!" He said excitedly.

   The small maple blushed further and followed with Prussia across the pale sandy beach.

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