World Meetings

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   As expected the day of the meeting the crowed was fighting at the top of their lungs. It had started early this time and it gave Prussia a chance to just relax and watch the group fight. He couldn't help but laugh as he saw his brother trembling with anger. His face was red and his fists were locked.

"I told you so." Prussia whispered.

   That did it. Germany stood up pounding his fists on the round desk.

"Would you all please shut THE HELL UP!" He yelled. "That is enough of you idiots! We can't stand in a room with each other for five minutes with out this crap happening so can we all just SHUT IT and take turns for FIVE SECONDS!!!!"

   They all looked at one another and began to argue about arguing. Germany gave up this time resting his face in his palm. Prussia laughed and caught site of the little Italian dancing up to him. Italy rested his slim tannish arms around Germany's massive shoulders,

"Awe Germany lighten up, let's take a break, Kay?" He said playfully.

   Germany sighed and for once he listened to the little ginger. He stood up and yelled again.

"An hour for lunch!" He bellowed.

   Everyone stopped bickering and nodded in agreement before walking out of the room.

"I am now, going to go put a gun to my head." Germany said getting up.

"So dramatic." Prussia laughed.

   He followed his big brother and the little Italian that clung to him like a leach. They went outside into the courtyard where they sat in the grass. Italy tried to calm Germany down but he only seemed to annoy him. Prussia on the other hand pulled out his laptop and he punched in the wifi password.

"What are you looking at?" Italy said, his eyes moving over to Prussia's lap.

"I'm searching for me." Prussia said, his tongue stuck out in determination.

"Really?! Cool! Have you found you?!" Italy said excited.

"If he did he wouldn't still be looking." Germany sighed.

"Oh, right." Italy laughed embarrassed.

   Prussia hugged the little Italian petting him lightly.

"Don't listen to that old grump." He cooed.

"But aren't you older?" Italy questioned.

"I'm ANCIENT! A TRUE HISTORIC ARTIFACT!!" Prussia said excitedly.

"Oh then would that make me a fossil?" A voice said behind them.

"Japan!" They all said a bit startled.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked.

   Italy jumped Japan hugging him playfully.

"Italy please.... Personal space." Japan pushed.

   Prussia ignored the old friends as they sat together and reminisced. He looked back to his computer still searching. His hunt was quickly distracted when he saw someone running through the court yard. He watched as a boy similar to America raced away from Russia. Prussia put his laptop down and watched carefully.

"What's that crazy face doing now?" He whispered to himself.

   The massive Russian held a pipe in his hand as he chased the small polar bear carrying boy down the field of grass.

"Come here America! It won't hurt that badly, you're a big boy." Russia cooed.

"No Russia I'm Canada!" The boy cried.

"Not falling for that little trick again."

   Russia had Canada cornered. He looked up in horror at the towering man.

"Now repeat what you said earlier to me, please." Russia smiled.

"I-I didn't say anything. I'm sorry." Canada cried in his quiet voice.

"Why say sorry if you didn't do the crime, Hm? Oh well.... Bye bye."

   Russia held the pipe over his head and was about to strike it down when his hand was stopped by a pale arm. Canada's violet eyes widened as he looked up to his snowy haired saviour.

"Stop you maniac, can't you see this is Canada?!" Prussia defended. "If the flannel and smell of maple didn't throw you off, the kids carrying a damn polar bear!"

   Russia blinked and smiled down at the two.

"My apologies, I will go find the real America now." He said turning away.

   Prussia crossed his arms and nodded proudly. He turned back to the sheepish boy letting a cocky grin pass his lips.

"Sorry Prussia!" The boy said sincerely.

Prussia grew confused. "For what?!" He laughed. "That was fun!"

"Th-thank you.... You really saved my maple bacon." The Canadian boy smiled.

   Prussia blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"Awe it was nothin'." He chuckled.

   Canada reached into his small red and white satchel. He pulled out a maple leaf shaped bottle and handed it to Prussia.

"I-I know it's not much..... But I am very grateful for your help, so here." He said looking up with bright violet eyes.

"You just casually carry maple syrup around with you?" Prussia joked.

"What else would I put in my coffee?" He asked adjusting his glasses.

   Prussia smiled and scruffed up the younger boys hair.

"You're okay kid." He laughed. "Stay out of trouble, I'm not usually one to save damsels in distress."

"Sorry." Canada sighed.

"And stop saying sorry!" Prussia said motherly.

"Sorry!" Canada stopped when he said it. "Sorry, I said sorry!"

   Prussia's cheeks puffed up and he spat out a huge laugh. He held his gut as it began to hurt.

"Awe kid, you're too cute." He laughed.

   Canada's face went bright red and he hid behind his polar bear trying to calm down. Prussia looked up and stopped laughing.

"Are you blushing?" He asked.

   Canada shook his head no but that made him blush more.

"Yeah, I get it. It must just swoon your little heart to be complimented by someone as beautiful as the great Prussia." He said slicking his hair back.

   He suddenly felt pain as his ear was tugged. He looked up at his serious brother who was pulling him away.

"Ow! Hey!" He complained.

"Leave the kid alone." Germany scolded.

"Awe brooo." He whined.

"Go back to studying." Germany said pushing him back into the grass.

"Okaaaaay." Prussia muttered in defeat.

   He watched the other boy race away from the scene and smiled. He took out his new bottle of maple syrup and snickered.

"Good kid."

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