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They dropped off their belongings at the house and left to go out. They got back in the truck and Canada explained the game plan. They were driving through the slender streets of down town Nanaimo.

"So first, we have to go to pirates." He began.

"Pirates?" Prussia questioned.

"It's one of our best poutine places." Canada said excitedly.


Canada sighed knowing that was coming. "You'll see... Then we'll pick up Nanaimo bars and head to the water front."

"Nanaimo bars?"

"You've never.... Never mind.." Canada sighed again.

"Heh, it'll be a surprise." Prussia snickered.

They drove up to a tiny side store restaurant and he pulled over to the sidewalk then payed the metre. They walked around seeing a huge wooden pirate outside. They went in and the sent of fried and gravy slapped him in the face. His eyes widened at the joint and he looked back at canada who had a huge sweet smile on his face.

"Get whatever you want." He said.

"What should I get?"

"We could share one." Canada put in. "We could get a big one and..."

"Share? Like a couple of love birds?" Prussia said childishly.

"W-well... I just thought if you didn't like it then I'll just eat it myself but if you think it's weird like that... Then it's okay.... Not that I think it weird! But if you do." Canada stopped. "Please tell me you're messing with me."

"I am!" Prussia laughed. "I'll share with you, even if it is a little gay."

The blond sighed and went to the lady at the counter and just got the largest poutine they had. They sat at the bar looking out at the street.

"Are you ready?" Canada asked.

"Oh! I was BORN ready!"

"Oh? Then show me oh mighty Prussia." Canada snickered.

"Oh mighty? Well that's more like it!"

Canada pushed the smothered fries towards the German. Prussia looked down and slowly reached for a fry. The salty curd hung from the gravy bathed fry. He took a bite and his eyes glowed.

"It's so salty, yet yummy, oh Canada, why does your food tease me so!" He said with tears.

"Wait till you try a Nanaimo bar."

"Your secret food is so bad ass." Prussia said eating more. "When I take you to Germany I'll show you all my secret food." He winked.

"M-me, go to Germany?" He questioned.

"Yeah! I wanna show you my baby brothers beautiful land!!" Prussia said waving his arms in the air. "We can visit historic sights! It'll be fun! Just you and me on a world wide adventure!"


"Yeah! You're like the coolest person I've met! Beside myself of course, I want us to go everywhere together!"

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