Chapter 31

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DST 1: ch 31

    We take a seat in our back booth in the dinner smiles on our faces. Mason is nervous, but still excited about the whole thing. We just got back from a doctor appointment for our baby. I subconsciously rest my right hand on my little, very little, baby bump under Mason's sweatshirt. Now that I'm not so skinny from not eating the bump is barely noticeable. I smile looking at Mason who studies the ultrasound picture in his hand.

    "When do we find out what it is?" Mason asks looking out to me. His eyes are bright blue with excitement.

    "I think next appointment."

    "Are we going to tell people?" He puts the picture down, and grabs my hand with his free hand. His left arm is still in a cast, which he complains about constantly.

    "I don't know. I rather annoy them with not knowing." Mason chuckles at my response making me smile.

    "Aren't you hot in the, Angel?" I look down to his sweatshirt shrugging.

    "Nope, its chilly this morning." A waitress walks up to the table. She has a bored expression on her face as she chews a piece of gum. Her blonde hair is tied back in a messy bun on top of her head.

    "Good morning, what can I get you two to drink?"

    "Two hot chocolates, both with whipped cream." Mason answers only watching me. I glance up at the waitress, who finishes writing our drink order down before walking away. I hear the bell at the door, and glance over to see Zac walk in. I gulp looking to Mason, who easily sees something is up.

    "Angel, what's wrong?"

    "Zac just walked in." I whisper. Mason glances over his shoulder before looking back to me. Our eyes meet, and I can see his become their usual dark ocean blue.

    "Don't worry." He assures me. I raise an eyebrow at him. I can feel eyes on me before I glance up to meet his. Zac's eyebrows furrow together before he starts walking our way.

    "He's coming over." I state looking back to Mason. Zac reaches our table gaining both of our attentions. I look up to see his brown hair has been trimmed, and his brown eyes take me in. He is wearing khakis with a red golf shirt that has two buttons on it. He is dressed fancy compared to Mason's gray joggers and black tee shirt, and my gray athletic pants and Mason's black sweatshirt.

    "Dylan where the hell have you been?" He starts. I bite my lip glancing to Mason for some help.

    "Zac, she has been through enough. She doesn't need you being hard on her." Mason says. Zac shoots him a glare before his eyes land on something on the table. I feel my heart race as I hold my breath looking at the ultrasound picture.

    "You're pregnant?" He takes a seat next to me. He stares at me hard making me squirm.

    "Zac." Mason warns. Zac snaps his head in Mason's direction.

    "You knocked my cousin up?" He growls. Mason's eyes narrow on him as they darken a little.

    "Zac!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I look up to see Seth storming over here. I let out the breath I was holding as Seth joins us. "Leave her alone." He warns.

    "No. I want answers." He demands. Seth sighs taking a seat next to Mason. His eyes land on the ultrasound, and a smile forms on his lips.

    "Awe, do you know what it is yet?" He asks picking it up. A small smile finds its way on my lips.

    "No, not yet." He nods his head before looking to Zac. Zac looks confused as hell as to why Seth would be okay with this.

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