Chapter 30

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DST 1: ch 30

    My eyes flutter open only to take in a dark room. Panic rushes through me making me jump and sweat form on my skin. I feel the cold take over making my eyes squint shut. This is different though the mattress is softer, smoother. I turn over hitting something that is harder than the mattress. I open my eyes again hear a groan of pain as I start to shake and clutch the blanket for comfort. An arm wraps around my waist tightly as a light kiss presses on my head. "Angel, you are fine. I'm here." I sigh with relief as I take in his scent and his warmth I longed for, for so long. I look up to meet his ocean blue eyes as I bite my lip.

    "Sorry for hurting you."

    "You're fine." Mason assures me. A knock on the door startles me, but I calm seeing my dad enter the room. He raises an eyebrow at us making my cheeks heat up, but I look to Mason's chest. I absentmindedly trace circles just above where the bandage wrap starts. My dad clears his throat gaining our attention.

    "I would like to say thank you." My dad starts. I feel Mason shake his head at my dad. I glance to him before looking to my dad.

    "I told you I would get her back, and I did. I wasn't letting them keep what is mine." My dad's eyes narrow at Mason's words, but Mason doesn't seem to be phased by it.

    "Don't push it boy. Now, what did you do with Rick and Luke?" He asks. My whole body goes ridge as images of last night flash through my head. My heart starts to race as everything seems to hit me. Mason killed them, both of them. It only took him one good punch. My baby's father is a murder. I move away from Mason's grip, or try to. Mason holds me close to him not letting me go. I gulp looking down to his arm not wanting to look to my dad.

"They were... dealt with." Mason says. Emotions gone from his voice.

"Mason West, what did you do to them." My dad demands. I shake my head wanting the images gone, and for Mason to not say the words. I don't want it to be true. How can the guy I love be a murder?

"They didn't make it out of the fight." Mason states bitterly. I look up to my dad to see him stunned, and angry at Mason.

"You killed them!" He booms.

"It was either them or me. If it was me Dylan would be getting raped and beat right now." I don't have to look at him to know how those words were forced through his painfully clenched jaw.

"You better clean up your act son. Especially if you want to be the father of my grandchild." My dad threatens. Mason's grip tightens on me even more as if he is afraid my dad will rip me away.

"You can't keep my family from me. I know what I need to do. Right now I need to heal, so please don't start threatening me." He pleads at the end quietly. My dad lets out a breath looking to me.

"Dad, I need time too. You don't know what it was like." I can feel the tears sting my eyes as the memories flood back. Mason moves his self, groaning in pain, to sit up and lean against his head board. He pulls me close to him, and I turn hugging him tight. He doesn't show pain as I grip onto him sobbing. I can faintly hear the door, and I know it was my dad leaving.

"Shh Angel. Everything is okay. Nothing like that will ever happen again. I promise you as long as I'm here nothing will happen to you or our baby." Mason's words soothe me as best as they can as he places kisses on the side of my head.

"They wanted to kill it." I sob out. I can feel him tense up under me. "If they did I wouldn't have fought anymore." I pull back to me his eyes. He frowns at me leaning forward kissing my lips quick.

"I'm glad they didn't, and that we had someone on the inside to save our baby. I'm also glad you didn't give up." He praises me.

"I wanted to so many times." I sniffle wiping my eyes. Mason frowns his eyes so blue with many emotions swimming in them.

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