Chapter 29

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DST 1: ch 29

Dylan's point of view:

I can tell there is a little bump from the lack of food given to me. Since they ripped my shirt off it's a little hard to hide it, but luckily they haven't noticed. Lucas came back telling me he had to tell Mason, and that was hours ago. The door bangs open making me jump, my eyes snapping to Rick. "It's time to watch your lover boy be mauled." He grins. I gulp as he walks closer to me. I stay on the mattress watching his every move. He stalks over to me, and yanks me up harshly.

"Let the show begin." He chuckles dragging me to the door. He yanks me out of the room, and down the hall. Bright lights light up the hall making me squint my eyes. I trip over my feet as I try to keep up with the dragging. Rick yanks me up to meet his eyes, which are cold and dark like his soul. "Can you be any clumsier?" He spits in my face.

"I can walk." I point out. His eyes narrow on me not liking me talking back.

"I rather drag you." His voice is full of hate, and I do my best not to shiver in fear. He smirks as I fail with my attempt to stay strong. "Lets continue then." He pulls me along as he starts walking again. A door opens letting cheering and shouting hit my ears making them ring. I watch as the crowd surrounds a makeshift fighting ring. Luke is standing in it grinning like crazy as the crowd seems to cheer for him.  He wears red sport shorts with no shirt. I look away afraid of meeting his eyes, or even what Rick plans on doing to me.

"And his opponent is non other than our champion Black Knight!" The crowd goes wild, and I find myself looking up to see who this guy is. My eyes widen as Mason enters the ring, he looks colder than before. He rolls his shoulders, but the tension is there, and he bounces slightly getting the hype. He wears black boxing shorts with no shirt letting his mouthwatering abs be on full view. My eyes take him in before they travel to his tattoo making a ghost smile form on my lips. His eyes scan the crowd, and lock on me. His jaw clenches as his eyes drink me in before he rips them away to glare at Rick. Rick chuckles pulling me a little closer to the ring. The bell sounds, and the fight begins. I can't watch not wanting to see Mason get hurt.

"You better watch girly." Rick hisses. I gulp snapping my head up to watch. Luke circles Mason trying to find a good spot to attack. I feel people step closer towards Rick and I, but I try to ignore it. I glance over my shoulder and see Seth. My eyes widen seeing my brother, and he just nods his head towards the ring. I know he wants me to act like he isn't here, so I do. I look up to see Mason send a blow to Luke's stomach. He doubles over for a second before kicking Mason in his stomach. I watch Mason's eyes turn darker, the darkest blue I have ever seen with the blue almost looking black.

Luke tackles Mason to the ground throwing a punch to his head. I gasp as I see Mason's head whip to the side. Mason throws Luke off him standing up fast. He waits for Luke to look up to him before kicking his face. Luke turns his head to spit blood out. "Get your head in the game!" Rick shouts. "Kill him!" He screams. I feel my world stop at his words. Luke smirks standing up, but Mason mirrors the same smirk. Suddenly two men jump in grabbing Mason by both his arms. Some of the crowd cheers while most boo. Luke stalks towards him, and throws a punch right at his jaw.

Mason spits blood out on Luke's face making Luke fume. His body shakes with anger as he spits some words into Mason's face. Mason glances to me before his gaze narrows on Luke. He forces something out through his clenches jaw making Luke laugh. Suddenly Mason throws his head back knocking one of the men knocking him out cold. The other brings out a knife stabbing it into his side before dragging down. Mason screams before throwing one punch at him to knock him out. He whips around holding his side to face a shocked Luke.

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