Chapter Twelve

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Hello! Okay, here is... Chapter 12, I believe! :D OMG, James' favorite number is 12... :')



-Kendall's POV-

I walked through the Palm Woods park with my hands in my pockets. The air was blowing slightly, causing my hair to go all over the place. I watched as the couples walked through the park, hand in hand, laughing, smiling, kissing each other's cheeks. Sighing, I thought of Lisa and I... That could be us.

Why doesn't she want people to know about us?

I broke my thoughts after deciding to talk to her about it. After clicking her contact on my phone, I held it to my ear.

"Hello?" Her beautiful voice rung through the phone, bringing a smile to my face.

"Hi, baby!"

"Hey, Kendall!" I could hear the smile in her voice. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just walking through the park," I replied. "Hey, babe, can you meet me on the roof?"

"Uh, sure. Be there soon!" She responded.

"Okay, bye... I lo-" I started, but she had already hung up. I groaned and threw my head back, rubbing my face. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I started making my way back to the Palm Woods.


I walked up the steps to the roof, and opened the door. Lisa wasn't there yet, so I just sat down.

I saw the door open a little later, and she soon appeared. I stood up as she ran to me, smiling.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, and I gave a small smile. She wrapped her arms around my waist, and I wrapped mine around her shoulders. Lisa pulled out with a grin on her face, but when she saw my exspression, she frowned. "What's up with the sad face?" She asked, looking at me confused.

"I don't understand," I said, ignoring her question.

"What do you not understand?" She asked, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"How you tell your best friend about us, but you won't let me tell MY best friends," I replied, crossing my arms.

"Kendall, you don't understand," she told me, sternly.

"Understand what, Lisa!?" I questioned, becoming a little angry. I threw my arms up, slapping them down to my sides.

"I'm young, Kendall! I don't know much about relationships, and this one really scares me."

"If you're so scared about us being together, then why are we STILL together, huh Lisa!? Why!?" I exclaimed, getting really angry. She just stayed quiet as she looked at me. "WHY?" She took a step back.

"I- I don't know," she replied, her voice cracking.

"We can't keep our relationship a secret forever!" I exclaimed, then bit the inside of my cheek in anger.

"Then maybe we should just break up!" She said, her voice getting loud as tears brimmed her eyes.

"Maybe we should!" I shouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine then!" Lisa said, clenching her teeth. She wiped away a tear that fell from her eye. "We're officially broken up now. Oh, and you can take your stupid necklace!" She threw the necklace that I gave her for her 13th birthday at me after taking it off her neck, and it landed right in front of my feet. I looked down at it, then looked back up at Lisa, who was already at the door of the roof. She opened it and ran out, it slamming behind her.

~*Hold On Tight*~ ♥ {A Kendall Knight Love Story} ♥Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ