Chapter Three

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I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning, sweetheart," My mom said, once I walked into her sight.

"Morning, momma." I sat down on a chair and she put my plate of breakfast in front of me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I ate my food and my mom ate hers.

I finished and put my plate in the sink. The home phone rung and I answered it.


"Lisa, it's Kelly," her voice rung through the phone.

"Hey, Kelly. What's up?" I leaned against the counter.

"Gustavo needs you at the studio in 20 minutes. Is that alright?"

"Uh, yeah. I'll be there soon. Thanks, Kelly." I smiled, even though she couldn't see me.

"You're welcome, girly."


"See ya." She hung up.

"Who was that?" My mom asked.

"Kelly," I answered, and she nodded. "Gustavo needs me at the studio in 20." I ran to my room and got ready. I walked into the living room and gave my mom a look.

"Get in the car." She laughed, grabbed her car keys, and I smiled. We got in the car and she drove me to Rocque Records.


"Thanks, mom," I called, getting out of the car.


"You're welcome. Call me on your uncle's phone when you need me to come get you," she told me.


"It wouldn't be that difficult if I had my own phone..."


"Just go." My mom laughed.


"Love you," I said, running towards the doors.


"Love you, too," my mom called. She drove away as I walked into Rocque Records.




"Okay, I'm here. What's up?" I asked, sitting on a chair in front of my uncle's desk.


"I've got a song for you to learn." Uncle Gustavo snapped his fingers. Kelly rolled her eyes and handed me a paper and CD.


"These are the lyrics to your first song 'Call Me Maybe.' Learn the lyrics. You will be singing it for Griffin tomorrow," Kelly explained. I nodded.


"TOMORROW!?" They nodded. "And Griffin is...?"


"Griffin has to like your music for you to become a singer," said uncle Gustavo.


"Oh, okay." Just then, the boys walked in. And by boys, I mean, Logan, James, Carlos, and Kendall. I smiled. "Hey, guys."


"Hey." They waved. Kendall smiled at me and once again, my face got hot.


"You can leave now, Lisa," uncle Gustavo said, and Kelly slapped him. I rolled my eyes.


"Okay, let me use your phone. I need my mom to pick me up," I told him, holding out my hand. He groaned and handed me his phone.



I walked out of his office and called my mom. She said okay and I hung up. I walked back into my uncle's office and handed him his phone.


"I'll see you all later," I told everyone. "I'll practice my lyrics," I said, holding up the paper. Kelly nodded and I waved goodbye, leaving to go home.


"Be here my 7:00 AM tomorrow!" Kelly called.


"Got it!" I yelled back. 7:00 AM!?


I waited for my mom and she finally arrived.


"How was the studio?" She asked, as I got into the car.


"It was okay. I got a song to sing." I smiled.


"That's great, honey."


We got home and I went to my room. All night, I practiced my song. It was really catchy and I loved it! I can't wait to sing it for Griffin tomorrow.


Sorry it's short :(

Thanks for reading <3

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The song Lisa will be singing is really by Carly Rae Jepson, haha(:

Just pretend it's Lisa's xD


Hannah Henderson/Styles(:

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