Over Night

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Jake came out of the bathroom and said "Your bath is ready ".
"Thanks ". I said .
"You have to wear one of my clothes because my aunts clothes will be too big for you ". He said. 
"Okay ". I said.
The rain got more louder and lighting and thunder striked .
He handed me a sweater that was long enough for my body. 

I went into the bathroom with it and locked the door. 
I took deep breaths trying to clam myself. 
When I was clam  enough , I took a bath.
When I came out Jake was on phone. 
He was saying "I can't " in a whisper . 

The person on the phone said something . Then  Jake said "Okay ".
"Talk you later ". He said and hung up .
He turned around and saw me .
"Your out of the shower ". He said .
"Yeah ". I said
He couldn't stop watching me. 
"What ?". I asked.
I think he cursed under his breath before he said "Nothing ".

He walked to his closet and got his clothes and said "I'm gonna go take a shower ".
That was when I panicked.
"Okay ". I said trying to stay clam .
He went to the bathroom and closed the door . Then I heard the water starting to run. 

I went to one side of the bed and I climbed in. 
I took my phone and started to play a game while Jake was in the shower. 
When he came out , he came out only in some comfortable pants . He didn't have a shirt on. 
When he came to the bed , I was watching him .

"What ?". He asked
"Your going to sleep without a shirt ?". I asked. 
"Yes . Do you expect me to sleep with a shirt  on ?". He asked.
"Yes , please ". I said in the nicest way possible.
"Fine ". He said agreeing and went to his drawer and put on a shirt. 

He came back and climbed into the bed .
I was in the bed with my back on the head board and same as Jake. 
The rain got harder and harder and my heart beat got faster because I was scared .
Jake saw my scared face and asked "Are you scared ?". He asked .

"N-oo". I said trying to not sound scared but failed. 
"Yes you are ". He said .
"No I am not ". I said. 
"Yes ". He said .
"Jake , leave me alone ". I said .
"You don't have to be scared ". He said coming more closer to me.

"I am not ". I said. 
"Yes you are ". He said turning his head to me .
Our lips were inches apart from touching each other .  My heart beat started to clam down but then lighting  striked  again and  thunder roared again. 
That made me to jump and move away from Jake's face.

He smirked and then said "You are ".
"Whatever ". I said .
He suggested "Wanna play twenty questions ?".
"Why ?". I asked .
"I want you to forget about the rain , lighting and thunder and talk to me without getting scared ".
"Okay ". I said agreeing .

"Let me start ". He said. 
Q:Tell me about yourself .
"Well , I am 16 ,  I am an responsible person , I like to read , I have the greatest best friends in the world but expect for one right now and I love my family ".
"Okay ". He said.

Q:Why are you a badboy ?
"That is a complicated story ". He said .
"Tell me the complicated story . I said  .
"Well , while I was living with my mom , my father wasn't a good man . He would always beat me and my mother if we did something wrong or he would beat me if I was too nice or good. So I became a badboy to never let anyone say that I was weak ". He said .

"I am sorry ". I said .
"Its not your fault . We are getting to know each other " He said . 
Q:Why did you break up with Alex ?
"Well , some girl that was in our school liked Alex since she met Alex for the first time . Alex then dated her for awhile until he realized that he had feelings for me.  He dumped her and we dated and there was also a boy that liked me too . So they teamed up and made me think that Alex cheated on me . We broke up and Alex tried to fix our relationship but I was too stubborn to listen to him so he saw that I was really hurt so he left the town and soon came back ". I said .

"Ohh " He said. 
"Yeah ". I said. 
We kept asking questions until we fell asleep cuddling like the picture above .

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