Physical Fight

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**Beth **

I typed B- How did you get my number ?
J-I have my resources.
B-Did you ask Mrs . Carson for it ?
B-Did you need something ?
J- Cant a person text their friend ?
B- Yes but I want to sleep .
J-Then why did you text me back ?

I was about to send something but Jake said J-Right .
J-I actually wanted to know if you gave me homework. My aunty won't leave me alone until I do it .
B-Actually I did . A lot but if you don't complete all of them that's okay .
J- Okay. Goodnight my angel see you tomorrow .
B-Goodnight bad boy .

When I closed my phone , I couldn't help but imagine how he would say the word angel but my brain made me think it sounded cute .
And then I fell asleep but with Jake on my mind.

***The Next Day ***

I woke up with someone continuously smacking me with a pillow.
I groaned while I sat up and I opened my eyes and saw it was Alex that was doing that.
"Finally , your wake ".
"What do you want ?". I asked.
"You over slept . Go and get ready for school ".

"Ughhh ". I groaned as I dragged myself out bed and got myself ready for school .
When I was ready , we had to go because everyone else was ready and I couldn't eat breakfast .
I locked the door and Alex saw how looked and said "You look tried ".

"That's because I am ".
"You should have gone to bed much earlier ". He said
"I couldn't sleep". I said
"You did after you finished texting Jake ". He said .
"Alex, stop being jealous . You have a girlfriend ". Cathy said .

"I am not jealous for the last time ".
"Whatever ". We all said and went inside the car .
When we got to school , we went our separate ways . Once I got into the lounge , I saw Jake with some other boy .

They saw me and Jake stopped what he was doing and came to me and said "Morning Beth , this is James . James this is Beth ".
"Nice to meet you ". I said putting my hand out for him to shake it .
"Nice to meet you too ". James said and he shook my hand.

"Well , I was finishing up some work ". Jake said .
"Okay ". I said .
"Dude , you were right she is hot ". James said in a whisper to Jake but I still heard .
Jake hit James back and he yelped "Ouch ". In a soft voice and tried to cover it up .
"And James was just leaving ". Jake said .

"Bye ". I said .
"Bye". He said as he rubbed his back and left .
I crossed my arms and looked at him when the door closed.
He said "What ?".
"You said I was hot ".
"You heard that ?". He asked.

"Yeah ". I said .
"Ohh ". He said as he walked to the table and scratched the back of his hair .
"I thought you didn't like me in that way ".
"I don't ". He said as he sat on the chair at the table.
"Then why am I hot to you ?". I said as I came to him .

"I am not gonna lie but you do look hot but I still don't like you in that way ".
"Whatever . Lets start ". I said .
"Okay ". He said and we began our work .
When it was break time , I gave him a break .

I got my snack from my bag and Cathy and Ally came rushing in the lounge .
They both said at the same time "Jake and someone else is fighting in the cafeteria ".
"What ?". I said and rushed out the lounge with Cathy and Ally.

A whole crowd of people was crowded around something and people were shouting "Fight , Fight , Fight ".
Cathy got a blow horn and shouted through it "Stop fighting ".
They soon broke up the fight and Cathy shouted "Go back to class ".

They went to the assembly hall and I saw it was Jake and Alex that was fighting.
I came over to both of them and carried them to the nurse's office.
Once I patched up their bruises , I crossed my arms and gave them an angry look.

"I am sorry Beth ". Alex said .
"YOU SHOULD BE ". I said shouting at them.
"We're sorry Beth ". Jake said .

Neither of them answered.
They got off the chair and left.

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