Chapter 19

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Walking out of the shower is always so depressing for me. I mean you know as soon as you get out your body temperature is going to go from one-hundred degrees all the way to negative five million. Like I mean seriously it's so bad. Even if you have a heater on it still doesn't change the fact that you are going to be freezing to death.

Anyway I'm off topic. Like I said finding the will to get out of the warmth that is the shower is tough but once I finally did I grabbed a towel. I dried off and put my matching underwear and bra set. I walked out of my bathroom into my connecting bed room. I think my skeleton jumped out of my body because I was almost on the floor. Blake somehow is always in my room after I get out of the shower. I should be used to it by now I mean he does it all the time.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you."

"Who let you in?" I asked this because I know my brother would not let some guy he doesn't know into his sister's room while she was taking a shower.

"What's up with all the questions? You're mom let me in. She said that she had to go to work by the way."

"Wow my mom really must trust me."

"I guess so."

"So was she the only one here?"

"Yeah that's all I saw. She said your brother said something about him and Alex going somewhere. She didn't say where."

"The race. They went and helped set up. Cody always does."

"So we have the house alone."

"We do." From that time up until I had to get ready, we enjoyed each other's company if you know what I mean. *wink *wink.


Blake wasn't going to be racing any tonight so we took my car. Since I'm a pretty good racer everyone there knows my car. So as we pull up, everyone watches out as they let me through all the way to the main road.

When we finally park, Blake and I get out. I hear many people say "hey Lexie" "who is that with Lexie" "I wish I could get her" and "hello gorgeous". I lead Blake to the usual hangout. His cousin Jenny was there just like normal. She was pretty surprised to find us together. Even more surprised to find us holding hands.

"Oh my goodness. When did this happen?!" She immediately exclaimed.

"Well officially yesterday but it's going on for quite a while now."

"Aweeee you all are so cute!"

"Have you seen him?"

"Yeah he was over here. We made eye contact and he walked off, got a beer, and found three of his many followers/sluts." If it wasn't obvious, I don't know if it was, Cody and Jenny have a weird relationship. They are seriously just benefits because they do more fighting than anything so they're not friends exactly. Neither of them will admit their feelings to themselves but they both really really like each other. More than like I think. I've tried to tell them but they don't understand.

"Do you happen to know where he is now? I have someone for him to meet."

"Um I think I saw him- well speak of the devil and he shall appear. There he is."

"Hey Lex. You're here later than normal." Cody said. I notice him look at Blake's face then his eyes traveled to our conjoined hands.

"Yes. Oh right. Blake this is Cody, my brother. Cody this is Blake,... my boyfriend." I closed my eyes as I didn't know what to expect from him. I mean I had never introduced any of my boyfriends to him. Everyone was either pointless or he had been away at work.

What I didn't expect was to find them doing the bro hug.

"Blake? You're my little sister's boyfriend? Didn't see that coming. How do you two even know each other? Second, I thought you were in New York?"

"I was but change. All I gotta say is my dad wanted a change."

"So Alexis, since I know Blake and how he is a nice guy, I'm okay with this relationship thing you have going on. You have my blessing. Not to marriage or anything, but to date. Oh and hey, no funny business. Just know though Blake, even though we are friends, if you do anything to hurt my little sister you won't be alive to know what's going to happen to you. Got it okay"

"Got it. Thanks." Blake replied. Cody walked off and got in his car because he was about to race. If I haven't said it yet, Cody races. No he doesn't just race, he races greatly. He's pretty much the best this state at least has seen. He could definitely win pro. The call him 'The Snake". The reason is because he can swerve and go through just about anything. He moves like a snake in other words. I learned everything from him.

"Well we got my brother's blessing. That's an accomplishment."

"I guess so. Let's go watch him race. It's been a while."

"So how exactly do you two know each other?"

"We met at an auto body shop. He was working there for two weeks. I practically lived there because my friends and I worked there. He also was at the races in New York."

So after my brother graduated last year he left and traveled around the states to see old friends, learn new techniques, and pretty much beat records at different street races. He, obviously, just got back.

We watched win win and then I raced, also winning. Blake and I left in the same car and all four of us, including Alex and Cody, went home. Blake ended up staying the night, but in 'Alex's room' because my brother didn't want us getting any ideas. We all went through my plan of how I will exposed the secret that I have kept for so many years. We decided that I would be doing it on Monday which is in two days. Yay. *note the sarcasm.


Thanks for reading. I'll be updating soon again.

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