Chapter 17

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A lot can happen in one week. A person can puke 30 times. A person can die. A person can go from happy to sad then to mad then back to happy. A person can find out they're pregnant. A person can learn a lesson. A person can do almost anything in a week. So I'll tell you this. One week, 7 days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes, and 604,800 seconds can change a life. It changed mine.

That week I learned something. Something big. I won't just get into that yet. I'll tell the story.

It all started out as planned. I went over to Alex's house the Friday Blake asked me those questions. Those crazy questions I don't have the answers to. Well I didn't Friday but by that next Friday, I sure as hell did.

We had rented the movies ride along and brick mansions. When we watch movies it doesn't last for long. We normally find something more fun to do like swim or go to a party.

In Alex's room we made a big comfortable couch bed on his bed. Something we've always done. Once we had finished the first movie and started the second one, I paused it. I thought that it was finally time to start thinking. So I grabbed one big notebook and nice pen. I sat across from Alex and looked him in the eye.

"Alright. I'm going to make a chart. On the left column is the questions I want answered and on the right will be the answers. Simple as that." Yeah right. 'Simple as that'? Such a lie. Those just might've been the hardest to answer question I had ever seen. I mean even my Spanish two final wasn't this hard. I guess it's because this was about my life and something I had been doing for years.

"Okay so what questions were you thinking?" Alex asked.

"Well, let's see. How about what's the point? What do I get out of it? Why does it seem easier? Why be two different people?"

"Yeah those seem like good ideas. Maybe if you think of something else later you can fill it in. But here's the big question. How are you going to answer these?"

"We go out."

"uhh. Don't get me wrong Lex. You are my best friend in all and you have a great personality and you are drop dead gorgeous but I don't feel that way toward---"

"Oh shut up. I wasn't meaning go out go out. I was meaning we 'hit the town'. We do things that we have never done before."

"And how is this going to help you answer your questions?"

"Honestly I don't know. If it doesn't work then at least we had fun."

"So what are we doing first?"


After we raided Alex's dads liquor cabinet, we played never have I ever. Needless to say I was barely tipsy. I have done quite a few things but I guess my life just isn't that interesting.

"So this game is over. What's next?" Alex asked

I just looked at my best friend and gave a devious smile.


"How much longer? Will you please tell me where we're going? Why couldn't we take the car? My feet hurt." This was Alex being super annoying as we were fast approaching the building I was looking for. He had no idea what we were about to do. I so wish we could've taken the car but I, the smart person that I am, know better than to drive in a car after drinking even an ounce.

"oh shut up. We're here."

"What?!?! We're getting tattoos? Yes! You have so many already but i don't have any."

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