Chapter 1

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Sorry this is unedited at the moment. Feel free to correct my mistakes by just commenting the fix. Thank you

This book is my first one. It was unplanned and it is very cliche. Feel free to read it but just be mindful of that. Thanks.


You know that rush you get when your about to go down the tallest hill of a roller coaster, the last few seconds of a game, the one when you know you're about to win, or when you're stuck under something like a boulder and it's a life or death situation? Yeah, that feeling. That rush of adrenaline.

I get that rush over only two things so far in my life. Street fighting and street racing.

You see, I am known quite well in my town. They all know me as Lexi the champion, on the streets, and at school they know me as nerdy Alex Dailey, who just so happens to somehow be best friends with the hot player of the school, Alex Ashford. No one knows why he, the quarterback and one of the most popular guys in school is best friends with a nerd at the bottom of the food chain like me. Well that's because we have been friends, scratch that, the best of friends since the wonderful age of one when our moms started us having play dates together. He races too.

Anyway, back to the present.

I drove up to the track in my white Audi R8 Pressing the button, my door opened and I got out. With eyes on my car. I walked over to Caleb, the guy who runs the races and also who takes care of all the things I need done to my car.

"Hey caleb" I said as I reached him then gave him a quick hug.

"Hey Lexi! Are you ready for tonight?"

"Well.. duh! Of course I am, I'm always ready."

He chuckled "I know you are, well you have six races tonight."

"Alright. When's the first one?"

"Actually, it's after this one, which is ending, so... now"

"Yay. Well see you later caleb" I waved as I walked over to my car, got in, and drove to the starting line. Soon they started

"We have Drew Rolen racing against Lexi" the people start cheering once they here my name. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I hold the title as the best, meaning no one has beat me in a long time, three years to be exact.

"Ready... set... go" the girl waved her flag and we were off.


After winning all six races, I won $6,000. Why? I will explain it a little.

Each person who requests a race has to pay $1000. I never request. People request me. The winner of the race gets the money, which is why I have the $6000.

After I got my money, I talked to a few people, looked at some cars, and then went home, since it was a Sunday, a school night.

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