Chapter 16

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Have you ever had that feeling that people are staring at you? Or that they know something you don't? I have this feeling right now and it's a little weird.

Looking around as I walk into the cafeteria, I notice people really are staring at me and it's not just my imagination. I have no idea what it's about, but I'm assuming that it has something to do with this morning and me walking into school with Blake. Really I mean what does it matter? It's none of their business.

When I got to the lunch line, I knew for sure something bad was going to happen. It's my gut telling me.

When I got out of line, sure enough, there was Lyndsey waiting for me with a smug smile on her face.

"Well, well, well if it isn't little old Alex the nerd. You're so pathetic. Really you think that paying Blake to drive you to school would make you seem more cool would work. No honey that just makes you look bad. And if you think that what Blake said the other day made people like you anymore, then honey you have another thing coming." She went on.

People were laughing at her 'joke'. What I did notice, though, is people seemed to disagree with the last thing she had to say. I could see it in their faces. A circle starting form around us. Where are the teachers at in this damn school? And why do people think that what she is saying is even funny? I wanted to beat the living daylight out of her face at this moment. My fists were balled and I think they were going to start bleeding from my fingernails which were digging so hard into my palms.

As I got ready to swing, a hand clasped around my back. I knew who it was by the cologne that he has been wearing since we were fourteen. I soon remembered that we were in school and I wasn't Lexie, I was Alex. Alex isn't supposed to fight at all. Once I had calmed down, I listened to what was happening.

"Really Lyndsey? Do you really feel the need to do this? You say Alex is pathetic, but really I think it's you. I mean bullying, bullying, and guess what more bullying. Do you really think that low of yourself?" As my best friend of many year said that, I looked around the now half quiet crowd. There was one face I was looking for, and I found it. When we made eye contact, he turned around and left the room. Of course I did what anyone would do and ran after him. Leaving Alex to finish up the thing toward Lyndsey and then also come out of there and look for us.

"Blake!!" I screamed after we got out of the cafeteria. He was walking towards the hall we were in the other day. The one where no one ever comes down. Suddenly he stops, turns around, and asks me the one question I've been asking myself since the day I started Alex and Lexie.

"Why? Why do it? Why be two different people? One that everyone looks up to and wants to be and the other everyone looks down on. One that has power and one that gets bullied so often with no power whatsoever. So tell me, why? What's the point?" He looks me in the eye the whole time and I look away when I decide to speak.

"I don't know." I say lowly. After a minute he storms off.

As I'm about to run after him again, someone else says something that catches my attention.

"Just give him some space. He needs some time to think. You can talk to him tomorrow. Get your answers to his questions first."

Alex was right. Blake needed some space and that's what I was going to give him. This will be good. I can figure out everything beforehand. Honestly I don't even know why I do the double life type of thing. I mean I'm not Hanna Montana.

"You're right. You're right! Oh my god. What am I going to tell him? I don't even know he answer to these questions my self."

"Alex, you'll know when you know. Remember that you wanted an easier life. Wanted school to be easy for you. That's why you did it."

"Why did I do that? I'm dumb. This doesn't make school any easier. If anything, it makes it so much harder. People think I'm some weak girl who doesn't know how to take care of herself so they bully me and I can't do anything about it. That's hard to do. Especially when they think it's funny. I just want to hit them but I can't. Maybe I should just get rid of both life and become one of them, but which one? Which is more me?"

"I think neither of them are you. They are both mixtures of you. Just be yourself, but don't do it just yet. You need some time to figure this out. How about we go home early. Maybe have one of our movie nights like we've always done. You need it Alex."

I agree and we both walk out of the school. On our way to the movie store, the candy store, and then to my house.

Sorry for such of a long wait. I've been busy. If you read the authors note from before, then you know what's been going on.

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