Chapter 11

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If I were in my right mind at this moment, I would've never made that bet. Damn alcohol always the cause of stupid things. So as soon as Squeaky crossed the finish line, Blake stood up and smirked at me.

"I told you that I would win. Thankfully too because if I hadn't that would suck. I heard you could pack a punch. Now get ready. I get to declare you mine for the night."

I decided that if I was going to get through this that I would need some more liquid courage. So I went back up to the bar and got the strongest vodka I could find and I downed about a fourth of the bottle and took the rest with me.

"Alright, whatever I'm ready to get this over with. Come on." I say and lead him up to one of the rooms in that house.

"Damn don't sound too eager." He said sarcastically.

By this time, there was only about half the bottle left. Earlier Jenny and Blake had decided to switch it up for the night and Blake would get to drink while Jenny was the designated driver. So this made Blake already have alcohol in his system and I offered the rest to him. He straight drank the rest of the bottle in record time. I don't think he even noticed how strong it was until he was finished with it. He started making the weirdest face and I could not stop myself from laughing to the point that my sides hurt. Once he was over he started laughing with me.

We were sitting close to each other. So close that our shoulders were touching one another. Once the laughter died down, we looked at each other and one thing led to another and our lips were one. After a few minutes of just merely making out, his lips traveled slowly to my neck. He sucked and I could feel there were a few hickeys already forming. I grabbed his head and pulled him up to my lips. I decided I would get him back by making a few on his neck too. So after I knew there were at least three good ones, I stopped. And somehow we kept going on and on and on. That was as far as we got that night. It had gone on for about an hour or two and we fell asleep in that bed.


I was woken to an obnoxious ringing in my ear. This sound did not help my headache whatsoever. I wasn't too hung over because I didn't get drunk last night. Need I remind again that I'm not a light weight whatsoever? What the hell was that sound and what was so heavy on my waist?

"mhmhmhmhm turn it off" I heard groaning in my ear. I turned to my left and saw the one and only Blake McCormack lying next to me.  I remembered  last night and knew immediately why he was there. I also figured out what that ringing was and picked up my phone.

"Whoever this is you need to get a life and realize that it is too early to be calling me." I answer into the phone without checking caller id. 

"Girl it is twelve in the afternoon. It's definitely not too early as you say. Anyway I'm calling because I can't find you or Blake anywhere. Where are you?" I realized then that it was jenny who was calling.

"I'm in one of the rooms I'll come to you and I think I saw Blake go into a room last night. How about I get him and I'll meet you at the car?" I lie to her because if she were to find out that Blake and I got together last night I don't think that she would let me live it down. Like EVER!

"Alright sounds good. You remember where we parked?"

"Yeah see you in fifteen" I say as I hang up the phone

I turned my head and looked at Blake. He looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn't want to wake him so I just sat there looking at him. I didn't know I was staring like a creep until he said something.

"You know it's not polite to stare right?" he said without even opening his eyes. How did he know I was looking at him though?

"I wasn't staring but we need to get up because Jenny is looking for us and I told her that we'd be out there in fifteen minutes."

"Good, enough time for me to do this" he says as he grabs my waist and pulls my lips to his.


Weird ending I know. Sorry if this chapter want that good. Actually, scratch that, sorry for the whole book being sucky I don't know why anyone would want to read this but you do so thank you.

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