Chapter 6

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Today is Thursday. I have to go this hell hole of a school but later after school I have a fight at the ring. I'm so exited it's been almost two weeks since I last had one. I know it might not seem to sound real but not only am I the best on the track but I am also the best in the ring. So is Alex, my best friend, though he is the second best. I also have a race Saturday so I have a busy week.

Tomorrow is the party that I got the dress for when Jenny, Blake, and I all went shopping. I need to party. All the stress and annoyingness from school is making me need a drink really bad.

But anyway back to where I started. I am in first period at the moment which is math. The head cheerleader, Lyndsey Falka, also known as my bully, comes up to me along with her other minions.

"Ewe what is she even wearing like if I even ever touched that I would like seriously diiieee."

"Yeah ewe I bet she bought it from like goodwill or like Walmart or something."

I internally rolled my eyes, because if I actually did that would show the real me, Lexie, not Alex the shy quiet little 'nerd'. I pretended to look hurt and scared. The class laughed.

Lyndsey came up to me and whispered in my ear so no one could hear her and says, "Why don't you just kill yourself already? No one even likes you not even your parents. Alex just hangs around you because he feels bad for you because you have no friends. I bet you cut yourself thats what fat people do right? I mean I wouldn't know." Okay that one hurt a little. Does Alex seriously feel bad for me? Is that why he's always hung around me? But no, if you're wondering, I do not cut myself and am not suicidal. I love my body because I have the curves. I have a skinny waist, a big butt, and medium sized boobs and big thighs.

I noticed Blake sitting there looking at me with concern and sorrow? What's that about?

"Alright get to your seats, to your seats." Our teacher said as he walked in, completely oblivious to what just happened or what ever happens.


When I got to art class Blake was already there at the table with everything out that we needed for the project, it looked like he was drawing something in a notebook. When he heard me pull out the chair he quickly shut his book too fast for me to see what it was and looked up at me and started talking.



"So I was thinking, I have things this weekend but Monday, we should really work on our project." He said

"Alright, that's fine with me. And I'm glad you said Monday because I have plans this whole weekend."


Hey guys sorry for how short this chapter is. I have writers block and really needed to update.

Remember this is unedited

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