Fifty-Three: Neck Ringing

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I will ring her by her skinny little neck then rip her eyeballs out and shove them down her throat while tearing her heart out. After that, I will proceed to strangle Jaycen and his wolf. My wolf snapped, cynical as ever.

I bit the inside of my cheek trying hard not to expose my feelings of anger and jealousy. I had no clue how this supermodel looking women knew my mate, so I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions.

Nobody likes a possessive girlfriend and I would try not to be that clinging girl.

Deep, smooth breaths, I tell myself trying to keep a smile on my face.

"Long time no see, Stacy," Jaycen said sounding breathless. For the reason of why I didn't know. It could have been from the shock of just seeing her here or the shock of seeing stunning her.

Stacy had beautiful golden locks that looked like it was a rippling river of gold. She had wintery skin, in a good way. Her cheeks with a light pink blush and eyes of purple gems. Her eyes were to die for.

"Mind introducing us?" Terrence asked, thankfully saving me the trouble of doing so.

Not giving Jaycen the chance to speak she rose from her seat and practically glided across the floor to us.

She raised her flawless hand to greet him. "The name is Stacy. You see Jay the 'sin'" -she giggled so harmoniously I wanted to cry and cringe at the same time-"as I used to call him, him and I used to date when we were younger."

"Younger?" I asked not realizing I did so.

She turned to me smile not wavering. "When we were about thirteen or fourteen so it has been years since we last have seen each other"

My nails buried themself in my palms.

Well at least they haven't seen each other for a while, so we know she's not a 'thing'. My wolf reasoned.

But what if he sees her now-like he already has-and he realizes how freaking unlucky he got with us?

My wolf didn't answer.

"Err...okay. When was this? I think I may have remembered Jay dating someone so young?" Terrence asked.

Yes, I thought to myself, When was this?

Maybe Terrence doesn't remember because it wasn't a real thing! My wolf exclaimed.

Something ate at my stomach telling me that my wolf was being overly optimistic.

Jay's cheeks bloomed with reds of all shades across his cheeks.

Just keep calm, and wait for Jay to explain. Don't just jump to conclusions.

She leaned towards Terrence like she was going to tell him a secret, but just covered the side of her mouth from the other group of adults-there was four sitting at the table- who seemed to be whispering upon themselves.

"We lost our virginity to each other in a werewolf summer camp after he deranked poor Matty." She giggled girlishly.

Before any of us could say anything the adults at the table called us to join them, but they fell upon deaf ears.

I tried so damn hard to ignore the feeling of my heart dropping in my chest. My eyes watered, my nose stung, and it felt like a pear was stuck in my throat. Inside my head, my wolf was throbbing with anger.

The only thing that was keeping me together was the fact I would never cry in public with strangers in the room.

Bitting the tip of my tongue I thought to myself, Pay attention to what these people are saying. A distract will clear up the tears.

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