Fifty-Two: 'We'

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A growl erupted from my chest as I prepared to defend my mate with my life. I turned to and tried inspecting Sydney the best I could from our opposing seats. "Are you alright?"

She nodded quickly stiffly, now sitting straight up in the middle seat of the back looking out the windows confusedly.

I went to comfort her when there was a tapping on my window caused my head to snap and lock eyes with the man standing outside of my window.

"This is Robin land. What are you doing on it?" He asked with a power behind his voice.

"I have business with him. I'm Alpha Jaycen. Please tell your Alpha I'm here, accompanied with my Beta and my Mate."

He gave me a weary, then took in the sight of Terrence and Sydney before returning to me with a slightly agitated look. "Let me call my Alpha. Would you mind letting my men give your car a sweep through?"

"After you call your boss," I answered him.

"I will be having my men watch you while I give him a call."

"You do that," I said, in which earned me a quick glare before he turned to get out his phone.

A group of three stood around the car each seeming to be focused on nothing, which only suggested that they were having a mental conversation with each other.

"Are you alright Sydney?" I asked again still seeing that my mate was stiff and nervous. It made my wolf unnerved knowing that she was.


"What do you mean yeah?" I asked, turning in my seat to see her as Terrence beside me did so too.

She gave us a small grim smile. "This probably isn't the time to say I kind of sort of need to go to the bathroom?"

"Err." I inspected our situation feeling bad for not seeing a quick outlet for her. "I think it's going to be a moment till we can get somewhere for you."

"Okay sorry I asked..." She said embarrassed.

There again was a tapping on my window.

They are going to break our window, My wolf said gruffed agitatedly.

The guy was off his phone now and he said, "You got the okay. You can just take this road straight for a few miles then take a left to the Alpha's house and just keep straight from there."

"Aren't you supposed to escort your guests?" Sydney asked, chipper from behind as she leaned in between Terrence and me.

The guard's eyes sprinkled over my mate quickly then went back up to her face which was the only thing keeping me from ripping his eyes out.

"As much as I would like to Luciana, I highly doubt your mate," he said with a bitterness, "would like that."

"And you would guess correctly," I said shifting the gears of the truck to drive hoping he would get the hint and watch his feet. "We will be going now."

Before anyone could say anything else I was driving away leaving the four guards in a fog of dirt.

"Really Jay? You had to be a jerk about that? They were nice!" Sydney said desperately.

Terrence beat me before I could say anything, "You didn't see the things he was doing to you with his eyes."

Sydney collapsed back into her seat with an eye roll at the two of us.

See I wasn't the only one to notice, I thought to myself.

Damn mutts keep their grubby paws to themselves. My wolf said stubbornly.

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