Fifteen: Shower Scare

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The tingle was ever-present on my lips even though Sydney's had long left me.

Softly pinching the skin around the thorns, I proceeded to remove the thorns from Sydney's otherwise flawless leg. Little dots of blood welled in the absence of the thorns. After finishing ridding her legs of thorns, though it was proving very difficult to take my hands off of her, let alone keep my hands off of her now that I've felt her skin and warm.

I had hoped we would clear up what was going between us but Sydney looked wiery, reminding me of everything she had undergone.

"Let's talk about everything in the morning, right now let's get you back and into bed."

Sydney nodded and stood at my side. Cautiously I enveloped her small hand in mine. She let me curl my hand around hers. The moment we broke the forest line, Sydney inched closer to me for our hike through the woods.

She is afraid of the forest.

Why wouldn't she be?

I let go of her hand, I hadn't missed the small flash of panic in her eyes until instead, I put a reassuring hand behind her back. She took this opportunity to step closer into my side.

My wolf purred in pleasure, but I remind on high alert till we were home. There, we saw the others had gone off and retreated to their rooms, so we climbed upstairs to my bedroom.

"Wait, I need to call my mom and tell her that I'm going to be staying at a friend's. Can I borrow your phone?" She asked.

Smiling sheepishly, I scratched the back of my head. "Funny story. I kind of have your phone."

"Huh?" Sydney asked her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

I smiled at how cute she looked.

"When you and your friend were running away from us after that little scheme you guys pulled on us, you dropped your phone. I kept it because well, it smelled like you, and I wanted to see if I could find out a little more about you..." I answered Sydney, embarrassed by how creepy it seemed.

After a moment of silence, Sydney burst into laughter.

I smiled shyly as I felt heat rush to my cheeks. I attempted to stop it or lessen it, but when Sydney looked up and whipped a tear away it didn't work and I was caught.

"Ow! Is the big bad werewolf jock player embarrassed?" Sydney asked childishly. She went to pinch my cheek, but I slapped her hand away and turned around towards my closet.

I scoffed. "No. I mean really Sydney? Me? Blush? No that's stupid. And you, don't try and spin this on me, you and your friends cut our practice short yesterday!"

"Oh, whatever, nobody was hurt, and you guys could've used the laugh. Anyways, you and I both know you were blushing. Embarrassed that someone caught you in the act of dealing with something you have no idea how to deal with?"

I turned with confusion playing on my face. "What?"

Sydney collapsed exhaustedly on my bed.

My wolf and I liked the sight of that.

Sydney was only wearing a running shirt of mine and a pair of my sister's shorts. Because of my sister's smaller form, the shorts were like booty shorts on Sydney, hugging her thighs and bottom very well. My shirt settled around Sydney's small swell of a stomach and her round breast.

I want her. My wolf howled in excitement. My wolf's thoughts were clearly clouded by the closeness of our very attractive mate.

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