Eleven: Race & Run

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"Hold him back! Restrain him!" Terrence yelled at our packmates who stood by and watched the scene horror. Then most of them snapped out of it and followed the Beta's orders.

Ash came tumbling back and handed Terrence the glass syringe along with a little first aid kit. Then Terrence turned to Mathew and said, "Help me hold her down so I can get this into her bloodstream. If we don't she will be in agonizing pain when she shif-"

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER! SYDNEY'S MINE! BETA, OMEGA, IF YOU LAY ONE HAND ON HER!" I couldn't even finish my threat as my packmates struggled against me.

Sydney's body started shaking and jerking about on the ground. Mathew tried to hold her still but ended up practically laying on her which caused me to growl at him.

No one should be touching our mate other than us! My wolf screamed at me.

I felt tears start to stream down my face in anger towards those who were holding me back from caring for Sydney.

Terrence tore open her jeans from the ankle up to expose her thigh. He grabbed the syringe off the box. He scanned her thigh, looking for the major vein in her leg that he was to puncture. Then, he slammed the needle into her skin causing Sydney to thrash upward and into Mathew screaming.

"AHH!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, hurting my ears along with the others.

"Stop. Please stop hurting her." I cried weakly, pulling against my packmates, feeling bruises and cuts forming, but not giving a single damn.

Ten Minutes Earlier

After we left the classroom, Mathew told me Sydney had mentioned looking for her cellphone after losing it the night before.

"Shit, she was going to look for her phone, she lost it last night. She might've gone to check the lost and found first, then she was going to go outside."

I froze. "It's not there, I have it. We found it in the woods last night."

The Omega's eyes went wide, "Shit that means she's probably out looking for it!"

"Damnit, let's split up and you check the parking lot to see if her car is still here, I'm going straight to the woods." Not needing to say anything more I sprinted off towards where I first saw Sydney less than a day ago.

I burst out a side door of the school and was no more than fifteen strides away from the school when an ear-piercing scream tore from the woods.

I felt my heart swoop and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.


Now I was running at full force towards the woods, spectators be damned. Everything blurred by me as I wove through trees, leaping over fallen limbs and dips in the forest ground.

An ache was forming in the side of my throat, and it was slowly worsening, but it wouldn't stop me from reaching the source of the scream, that deep in my bones, I knew belonged to Sydney.

After what felt like ages, all I could see was blonde and blood. Crumpled on the forest ground with her head lulled to the side, I could see the fluttering of her eyelashes as she looked at me.

It felt like a terrible nightmare where I kept running but couldn't cover any ground. I couldn't hold onto my humanity any longer. My wolf took command and I felt an effortless, almost ease, of my bones and skin shifting.

In one leap the shift was made from man to wolf, and then I could finally feel the gap closing between us.

With a swift shift back I cradled her to my chest. I saw where teeth marks had ravaged her neck and it was still oozing. Crimson blood from her neck stained her hair and skin. Dirt and leaves were tangled in her hair and stuck to the red coating her.

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