Seventeen: The Letter

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Jaci fleed my presence taking Sydney along with her upstairs.

I don't know what rattled me more, Jaci leaving me or the glare Jay was sending piercing through the side of my head.

"What the hell's going on with you two? This keeps happening all the damn time."

"Screw off Jay." I spat out.

"Watch your fucking tone with me, Beta." Jaycen growled back.

My eyes started to glow as I felt my wolf start to rumble beneath my skin to fight it's way out.

But before I could do something I would regret, I took off out the door. Starting a fight with an alpha that already was pretty pissed, who was your best friend, and who was your mate's brother wasn't a brilliant idea.

The tug of my skin shifting was a welcoming brief sting as I shifted into my brown wolf and started my run to cool off.

I don't get why you act like this. My wolf sighed.

It's not my fault tha-

Stop right there! You and I both know it's your fault. Jaci wouldn't be seeing another guy if you had calmed her the first night, and was faithful to her.

You know I'm faithful to her! I growled.

How the fuck is lusting after anything in a skirt faithful!?

You wouldn't understand. I hissed.

I am you! Why don't you want to be with Jaci? She's perfect and you keep pushing her aw-

Before my wolf could finish the change of texture beneath my front left paw drew me away from our argument.

I paused and raised my paw to see a note laying in the middle of my path. Curious I cocked my head to the side and inspected the scent.

It was unidentifiable, but the formalness of a wax ceil struck me out of place as compared to a paper randomly adrift.

Shifting I looked over the letter. It was clear and looked to be on fancy paper and labeled on the front it had 'Jay' scrawled across it.

Looking around I saw no one was around.

Let's give this to the alpha. I have a bad feeling about this. My wolf warned.

Feeling that he was right I shifted back to a wolf, and with the note in my mouth I took off hurtling back to the house.


After Terrence took off, I knew it was best to leave him be and cool off despite not being sure why he was so worked up.

The girls were taking longer than I thought they would upstairs. Making use of my time, I just went and grabbed a bowl of cereal and while doing so I went through a mental checklist on what I was doing today.

First-Take a goddamn shower. I stink.

Next-Take Sydney to the lake to help her shift and talk over everything.

Third-Talk to her about our relationship.

Fourth-Mark Sydney.

Wow! Where did that come from?

There was a laugh in the back of my head, and I scowled knowing it was my wolf.

Hey! A wolf can dream, can't he? My wolf laughed.

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