The End

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You're welcome.


He couldn't believe it. They were winning, they were really winning. Every new creation Unicron made, they were able to take them out. Perhaps with some casualties each time, but that was to be expected he supposed.

Knightspear blocked a swiping claw meant to decapitate him with his sword, being pushed back from the force. Placing a pede on the monster's chassis, he kicked it away, it's jaws snapping shut inches from his shoulder plating. Pulling out his rifle, he fired off the last few shots, each hitting their mark, killing his opponent in a splatter of energon, the drops floating in the weightlessness of space. With them dead, he looked around to find his next opponent, though what he saw instead froze his pumps.

There Optimus was, being chased by Unicron, the planet catching up with his leader.

Firing up his jetpack, Knightspear propelled forward only to start floating as his as the jetpack ran out of fuel. He waved his arms as he tried to balance himself out, catching himself on a floating rock from what he could only guess to have been a part of a planet a long time go. Positioning himself on the rock, he pointed himself towards where he could intercept Optimus. Crouching, he launched himself. He shot through space, using any unfortunate mech who happened to be in the way, whether allies or enemies, it didn't matter so long as he got to his Prime. Many protests followed after him as well as a few shots nicking his armor, but not doing enough damage to hurt.

Just hang in there Prime...

He cried out as something tore through the armor on his arm and out the other side, lodging itself there, jerking his flight to a halt. Looking down he saw something to be embedded there. Following the connecting chain to it's source, he saw a grinning mech with a wild gleam in his optic.

The mech pulled on the chain, forcing Knightspear closer.

No! He didn't have time for this! He had to get to his leader and save him!

The moment he was in range, he swung his sword at the new mech who dodged. That however didn't stop him from attacking. Knightspear twisted his body around and roundhouse kicked the mech in his side, denting their armor and sending them away from him. He grunted as the chain dragged him after them.

He attempted to cut the chain, only to find he was unable.

A manic laugh was the only warning he got before he was forced to go on the defensive as the mech slashed at him with claws dripping a pinkish-purple fluid. He didn't know what it was, but he knew he'd better not let any of that come in contact with him.

Knightspear caught the arm with his damaged arm, wincing behind visor and facemask as the wound was stretched and pulled.

"I don't have time to deal with you!" He shouted in anger, releasing spikes in his knuckles and punching the manic mech in the face. However the mech only seemed to shrug it off and laugh as Knightspear kept punching him, crunching soft metal under his fists with each swing.

After the third punch, the mech slashed out with his free servo, seeming have had enough with the assault. His attack struck deep across Knightspear's chest, popping and sizzling as the acid slowly ate away at the armor. Knightspear jerked away with a shout of pain, releasing the mech.

He grit his denta and shut off the pain receptors in that area. He was at a disadvantage here. He needed some kind of surface for him to use his speed, speed that he desperately needed right now.

"Just get out of my way!" He shouted, gripping the chain and pulled, drawing the mech towards him.

He ducked under the claws and twisted behind them, drawing his sword and slashing at the backplating. His sword dug into the armor, but didn't penetrate. The mech laughed and spun around, grabbing at him. Knightspear tried to turn out of the way, but found himself shouting in pain as his doorwing was grabbed, acid melting the sensitive sensors making his back arch. He briefly felt more pain between his wings before his entire world exploded with agony.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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