Chapter 14

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The next day there was one last service and then we all had to pack and get ready to go home. Bleh. I hate packing. Worst thing ever. I'm not really sure if I'm happy the week is over, or if I want to stay here. Reason why I'm happy is because my feet hurt and I can sleep in again. Reason why I want to stay is because I like it here and I get to be with my friends. 'Course there's also the prank war.

Ah yes, the prank war. So many pranks, so little time. My favorite prank was probably... when some of the girls sneaked into the guys cabin a couple hours before dawn this morning to put makeup on every guy there (except Sunstreaker 'cause everyone learned not to mess with him after... well... I'd really rather not say... well, I will say that it included lots of silly string). Heh, no one knew what happened till all they all came out and everyone who saw them laughed so hard, soda actually came out a kids nose. Ah, good times.

Anyways, after we were done packing, we all left for our church where we would go our separate ways. I had fun on the way home. Sunstreaker let me drive to the church with me in control. It took a while to convince him and my youth leaders, but I managed to let Sunny allow Skater and Slimmy to ride with me.

On the way to the church, I got a text message from my bestest of best friends who was like a sister to me who lived in Washington state (there's a town called Washington here in Missouri so I've had to clarify which one I meant all the time when talking to people, it's a habit now). Heheh, you should have seen their faces when I let go of the steering wheel and for a good thirty seconds to a minute, I looked down at my phone while Sunstreaker kept driving. Their faces? Priceless!

We got to the church two hours later and from there, everyone left for their homes. Well except for me. I was going back to a military base in the middle of the ocean. Not my family...

Back at base, the first thing I did was get Salem back from Mikaela and try to go to sleep, but Ratchet just had to interrupt saying something about needing to make sure I'm still healthy or something. I don't know, I never paid attention. Once Ratchet was done, I wandered the hallways with Sides and Sunny. As we wandered the halls, we came across Optimus.

"Ah, Ms. Payne," Optimus called as soon as he saw me walking between the Twins. "How was camp?"

"Optimuuuus!" I complained, "How many time do I have to tell you to just call me Lily?"

Optimus chuckled, "Alright, Lily, how was camp?"

"Awesome!" I grinned up at him.

He nodded. "Good. Have you told your friends about us?"

"She did, but they didn't believe her," Sunstreaker put in.

I remembered something that I came up earlier on the way home. "Oh, that reminds me! Can I bring Slim Shady and Skater here? They're the kind of people that need to see to believe."

"Hmmm..." Optimus looked thoughtful. "I will have to talk it over with Prowl. But I must first deal with another meeting Galloway."

I cringed, "Alright, hope it goes well. See ya later Big Bot." I waved as we continued down the hall.

"How were you planning to bring them here?" Sideswipe asked from above me.

I shrugged and tilted my head back to look up at him. "Well number one, it depends on if they're even able to come here and number two, I was mostly gonna leave it up to Optimus, Prowl, Will, and Epps to figure it out."

Sunstreaker reached down and picked me up. "You do realize they're going to make you come up with most of the plan, right?"

"Really?" I whined as I flopped onto my back in his hand, putting Salem on my chest. I looked up at the moving ceiling as Sunstreaker and Sideswipe kept walking. "That's no fair. I'm terrible with plans. They always end up backfiring in some way."

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